[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

so this thread went off the rails

what thoughts do you have

So am I.
I think next time I see this sort of game, I’m giving this a pass.
Sorry everyone.

not sure if this is against the rules but I am never subbing into a game with surge again

I’ve noticed that I might be the only one who wonders if Soul/Eevee was indeed a TvT fight from earlier.
Perhaps you can talk with me on this GGhana.

So about the thought experiment surge posted earlier. Could you explain your thoughts a bit more. Why would you pick the cards you chose?

honestly they’re both acting evil as sin right now, so I think it’s w/w from different alignments

Ah yes that one.
I did say I would choose the town card for my alignment.
Indeed I would have chosen SK with bulletproof if I understood how the card rules worked better.

making these statements in game is considered OOG
the only person that I can state without a doubt that you should probably avoid is Zone lol
but ya keep them in your head

Ah ok thanks. So I’m actually not really sure what to think about crichard. My brain still thinks he drown but my gut is saying he might not be. I can’t tell if that’s because everyone was going on about him being B O X E D I N or if he actually is scummy

the dude who brought up the test before on Surge,
the immune to mafia kills on a town is probably one of thee most broken if not just outright game breaking

There is also a bulletproof reminder

Do consider what I would have to gain from lying about saying I didn’t understood how the card rules for randing classes works.
Check for yourself, this is the first game I’ve had where you pick alignment + class on cards.

IDK but if someone like Surge continues to poke at him, there will be a point where the responses matter less and less, and he will just end of confirm biasing himself, which I think he already reached tbh

You missed out on 2 fights. I envy your luck sometimes.

where is your head right now?

That’s also possible as well.
I think their argument got a little too heated for them to be scum partners there.
It’s hard to fight against who you know is your own partner as scum in thread.

Tell Surge that’s he is blocked until he stops being an ass.

Can we really stop blocking each other this game?

I wish it were that simple Eevee.

He’s blocked for being a dumbass. Got a problem with that?