[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins



Pranked and exposed

Yeah, it’s different people.


To think that we no longer have Alice and thread state would be better.
Geez guys we’re better than this. Don’t prove me wrong.

Well I’m sorry for what I said in aggression I was just upset that you took the joke the wrong way but lets move on now

Rip :f

Lets not make this thread about antagonising others and play the game tho

Truth is old eevee is dead.

Died in a stroke.
Or probably even earlier, from not meeting up to own ambitions and broken morality.

I certainly know the feeling of not livng up to ones own ambitions
and my emotions have been shot for a long while now
but that’s neither here or there

anyways taking a break from the thread

I think Seth was doing better before he started fighting. Like I was going to say his play was better this game

could you document those cases? I do think it is a possible scumtell for soul

let’s remember that there can be scum teams with few players

I now have a bit more time to play this for now

I think both have scum equity

I don’t think Min is Sulit and Sulit usually has activity tells

I agree and I have something to say after the fact

I do agree that CRich is likely scum, but you need to make a proper read

I remember not deflecting tho

I’ve even said this before if I was scum purposely deflecting to make myself look like I was deflecting?

I’d be careful how I’d awnser someone epically someone like eevee who picks up on things a lot maybe even to a fault.

Then I suggest you use it well.

Don’t forget to reevaluate. You have the rest of D1 to do so.

so I just iso’d dived An and did someone say that slot is LHF, cause y’all wild
he certainly has a very good grasp on how to play the exact same way as town and mafia, the problem then isn’t that he is a LHF, it’s that nobody knows how to read him lol

At this point we have seen two fights break out that have disrupted the thread. CUT THAT CRAP OUT. IF YOU NEED TO COOL DOWN BLOCK EACH OTHER FOR A FEW HOURS. We can’t have this stuff going into d2. Now lets solve this mess. back to our regularly scheduled programming

Of course, I had a deadline I had to meet yesterday

Nah, take a break, don’t block people, and don’t state you are going to block people, that does not belong in a game of mafia

I am just as sick of all the 3rd partying as I am with the people fighting

I never said that Min was Sulit?

it seems I need to get you to talk to figure out your alignment
talk to me about why you believe Eevee and Soul have scum equity?
What is causing this scum equity?

being aggressive bothers me

Why is Crich likely scum?
and why are you talking about separate scum teams already?

what did you want