[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea - Sign Up Thread

since its an infinite player size game it might be worth advertising offsite


Haha yeah. I had planned on not joining another new game here for a bit. Maybe just backup. But then I saw this and was going back and forth on whether to join. And seeing the list of people joining finally made me go ahead and in. :slight_smile:

Killing children is fun

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Brb taking this out of context

I want to make a cool classcard and play it but I dont want to play fm so instead ill

/drink water

It’s not the worst thing

I’ve sadly said much more that could be taken out of context

you mean like saying:

when replying to


Why make a cool role when you can instead make yourself a survivor omnimiller

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The world would be thousands of years ahead if I could be an ic jester

i probably have no business here being this much of a noob but i have tried to follow some ongoing games and read up on previous ones, so


Welcome to ToL! Always glad to see some new people.:tada:

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Wrlcome! We welcome everyone no matter how new

have you read the original post- also do you have a preference for flavor or do u want host to just randomize it

i’ve read everything and i have no preference for flavour

Sick just making sure

Welcome tho!! :DD

thank you :slight_smile:

actually when will this start

if signups are for any amount of players surely you wont keep them open forever :joy_cat:

i see fresh meat and i am considering


See that it’s 1/any
We’re done

Do it katze


if i do its gonna be super low effort

moderately high odds i don’t solely because of lack of motivation to multitable

/backup for now
depending on start date this might change but ill estimate a 75% chance of no

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