[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea - Sign Up Thread

i’ve read everything and i have no preference for flavour

Sick just making sure

Welcome tho!! :DD

thank you :slight_smile:

actually when will this start

if signups are for any amount of players surely you wont keep them open forever :joy_cat:

i see fresh meat and i am considering


See that it’s 1/any
We’re done

Do it katze


if i do its gonna be super low effort

moderately high odds i don’t solely because of lack of motivation to multitable

/backup for now
depending on start date this might change but ill estimate a 75% chance of no

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Is that the arc?!

no, it’s just an arc

yo pleasure to see you my dude
welcome and good luck!


/in as Rad Shiba

I like how no one recognized arc. I’m also saddened by it.

I’ve welcomed them…I knew who they were I just didn’t mention it


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if we’ve got mario, there’s no reason to not let me do this

That’s not on the flavor list is it?

Or am I blind


Oh shit I just realized mario is on the list

