[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

Why would I lie about this

Like Iv been saying Esquid is town, Iā€™m pretty much certain of that.

Because you are the Angel or are softing that you are the Angel and Esquid is your target. It explains your blind, fanatical defense of a ridiculously scummy Esquid.

Iā€™m not, though I would claim if I was, saw how well it went last time I claimed neut :stuck_out_tongue:

So you wouldnā€™t mind if we vote out Esquid then?

I mean I would, because their town

Isnt there someone who can do a role check during the night? I literally am town.

Everything about Esquid screams they arenā€™t. Too many silly questions, scumslips, weird interactions. If I was a scumbuddy of Esquid, Iā€™d have fed them to the wolves already and hardpushed them.

You however, have done the exact opposite. If you arenā€™t intentionally making us believe you are Angelā€¦you are Angel. You might have gotten unlucky and got a scum target and now have to play for scum.

I wouldnā€™t consider my question silly considering you guys talk in acronyms that I donā€™t understand

I donā€™t like people asking for a rolecheck, when we have the possibility of a mafia redirector

Iā€™m like certain their town. Theirs no way they flip scum


Asking questions as a new player is normal. Responding to every accusation with a question however says you arenā€™t confident in your responses. A town player doesnā€™t need to worry about looking good in responses and not slipping.

Thatā€™s not true I often change wording as town because it feels like it could be interpreted as a slip

You can correct a slip. Iā€™ve done it.

ESquid just responds with questions instead of correcting, though.

Their town reee

I beg to differ, a new town player would be careful with their responses because theyā€™re scared of being wrongfully accused of being scum. They donā€™t yet know the Tells of scum

I donā€™t get how you can say they are town and your only evidence is ā€œI know them irlā€. You realize how bad that looks?

I didnā€™t know they had a town that rees. Interesting.

Poss I swear to you, this never flips anything but town