[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

so that’s why they say /vote SoAndSo x13

or at least, claim they can


So, theoretically, if they voted for one person and the rest of the group voted for another, the person they voted for would get lynched because they have all the most votes?

If what they claim is true yes

Ok, Thank you

I’m going to sleep now

In 3 hours someone gonna have a bullet through theirs he… dgehog

Poor hedgehog, what did they do to deserve it all.

Day ends in 3 hours.

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This game not having lynch on majority makes me wanna put a bullet in my he…dgehog.



/phase skip votes are allowed both for day as well as night.

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/phase skip

/phase skip

/phase skip x100 Quindecillion

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PoisonedSquid SirDerpsAlot, Zone, JakeTheWolfie, Hippolytus 4
SirDerpsAlot PoisonedSquid 1
Additional votes
Accused Voters Number
PoisonedSquid JakeTheWolfie 99999999999999999999
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Squid has been lynched, they were:

Mafia B Goon.

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Night 3 start

24 hours, till the ping, you know the drill.

You can skip the night if you send /skip in your rolecard.

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Zone has died.

They were Town Inventor.

Jake has died.

They were Town 3-Unique Quadravoter.

Upon common request - I will fill colors in OP and past deaths.

Alive players:
