[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

Why were their never more than two kills

4 different mafia teams and no one killed the innocent child n1


Who did u kill N1?

I killed Shurian, then Geyde, then Jake.

Katze I used a random number generator

I did the same thing I did when I was ā€œspectatingā€ LotR again and somehow it worked.

Katze. Geyde, zone

Mist hit me N1 but I guess that still doesnā€™t explain the 3rd missing kill.

Squid who did you target n1

Maybe me twice?

Katzeā€¦. I did it because I assumed someone was going to attack Geyde N1

Thatā€™s why i didnt kill geyde n1 too lol

I figured there was a majority maf faction who would kill geyde and i wld target a rando

Honestly, if I were you guys Iā€™d have done the same lmao.

@eevee-sama No one won, because there was no SK.

Even if the SK wincon is that everyoe else must die, there was no SK to win. emphasized text

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Can someone add me to dead chat?

If someone adds you, can you add me?

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Put a link in thread to it i wanna join too.

Wait you canā€™t put links can u :frowning: