[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

who is “we”


Does this mean that I should also use my event

I feel like Geyde may have caused a ripple in which more roles than necessary will be revealed. I hate the timing on that.

Hey right on que

are you… still discrediting geyde after they revealed as IC?

The child is clearly not innocent enough for Possessed


Also I wanna say I came into this expecting a normal vanilla game at first

Discrediting? No. I’m saying the reveal D1 was badly timed. Geyde lacks interactions with other people; all the reveal does is save himself.

actually wait.

the innocent child isn’t under “Town only” so it technically could be a scum role.

i think geyde just did that because he was being pushed lmao


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He wasn’t even being pushed. We wanted to know WHY he was pushing Shurian.

it was a reactiontest doofus

so was that

you failed nerd :sunglasses:


@Possessed thoughts on shurian?

I had more thoughts on Geyde originally than I had on Shurian. Shurian just seemed completely null to me, but a now Townlock Geyde seems to have picked up on something so…

Shurians opening felt weird af

so geyde’s alignment changes your read on shuri?

No weirder than Geydes Tbh.

so your read was based on preflips