[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

His interaction with Geyde just now reeks off purposely dumb townie. Shurian almost definitely knew Geyde was IC.

Motivations wise.

If Geyde pushes onto you in the first day, despite his usual memey self, by saying an olde English meme I do in most of my games is getting stale and then moving on that, itā€™s kinda like setting up an information pitfall.

I would use that and move on to read the rest. Iā€™ll push in a new direction in 2~3 hours when my lunch in up.

So before I make it so, just have fun and make reads kappa.

I donā€™t. Of all the things, not IC.

If I did, I wouldnā€™t be doing the vote on Geyde in an attempt to make things more spicy as heā€™d probably reveal as soon as possible

So yeah. Damn it.

Shurian tell me why I shouldnā€™t shoot you right now

You could. But you shouldnā€™t.
The thing is I am just a regular old townie

Iā€™d rather much you use it on scum based on info gathered on this push.

Note I havent read maf abilities yet. Iā€™ll come back in a few hours.

Theres more reasons butā€¦
Shooting D1 is bad
Look at Marshal in BotC

Dude, Katze said if he doesnā€™t shoot someone, he would commit suicide

What the hell did Katze claim exactly?

What the fuck

Iā€™m terribly uninformed here
Imma read the posts after I left brb


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Katze, since you openclaimed, what is your role exactly?

Compulsive Day Vigilante

We didnā€™t need him to fully claim, Jake. We already have a problem with people claimed D1. We donā€™t need to make it worse

Well they might have well have fullclaimed.

Yeah, if you want to give scum more information

I donā€™t really care, itā€™s not really hard to figure out what I am

Listen, the fact is this message:

You didnā€™t bother to read anything after Geyde told you to, so it really seems to me like you were doing this on purpose to seem like ā€œDumb Townā€. I know you Shuri and I know how you would spend time to actually look up something before you make a post like this.

I asked eevee what happens when someone doesnā€™t use a compulsive ability. The expected answer for me is that it just rands a target, mainly bcus thatā€™s what MafiaScum says, although there is the ā€œExtreme casesā€, so I want to clarify.

Compulsive day vigilante
More like second lynch