[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

And if they were doing a cop out they could come up with several reasons to justify a push

I slightly scumread you for your original push Geyde, ill fully admit it. Iā€™m also bad at reads.

Mist did the same for my push. Thatā€™s fine, but the wagon is hanging by a thread and then Mist goes and brings it up again.

That excuse though? Thatā€™s what SEALS it for me. I donā€™t want anyone else hung if its not Mist.

Can you at least understand where I was coming from originally

Mist failed my reaction test with a lack of conviction. Thatā€™s a bingo for a scumtell.

Yes, I get it.

Poss can you lead town this game

Please no. I donā€™t want that responsibilityā€¦just vig me now :pensive:

I wouldnā€™t dump the entire game on you
I just think a new perspective could help you improve your game

Iā€™m confident enough that youā€™re v to give this a chance

Ill do what I can. In all seriousness, there are areas I need improvement on as you probably saw in BotC. I lead town to a point but thatā€™s on mechanicsā€¦not reads.

A thing thatā€™s relatively important when leading town is to weed out the obvious town first


You and I have a differing opinion there, no? I have Marshal town, you have Marshal scum.

Try going even lower hanging fruit to start with the towncore
(I mean in terms of how obvious)

Makes them easier to read
Gives them a new experience if they are town

Like the obviousness of you being town? Or should I aim higher lmao

I meanā€¦Iā€™m a start

/vote Marshal

Ez lynch and watch him rage about how heā€™s always suspected D1

I donā€™t think Katze is lying about the vig role so thatā€™s another?

What about Katzeā€™s open dayvig claim that will only fire on command being a pretty bad move for scum to make?