[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

roles are completely NAI here btw other than the town only / scum only roles

Katze claims suicidal.

Damn, am I that bad at town? :rofl:

Katze gonna die

If he no shoot

They are compulsive so duh

why am I trā€™ing katze when that behavior is completely NAI

Yeah I know, compulsive isnā€™t a great claim for scum. Thatā€™s key to alignment.

Iā€™m awaiting 3 Vanilla Town deaths + 1 IC death because there are 3 scum factions and a Serial Killer

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If thereā€™s no protective on me tonight Iā€™ll be highkey sad

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Scum Disloyal Protective Protects you

Hmm is this gamethrowing

I donā€™t see poss being town here

I think scum would claim compulsive if they wanted to get shots off consistently everyday and their buddies were seen as pretty townie

Itā€™s possible for them to actually be compulsive vig as scum though isnā€™t it

Does it offer multi shots?

yes it is possible

Donā€™t know
would ask them

All Iā€™ve gathered is that it has to dayvig or it suicides.

I just realized an unlynchable scum rolling could end the game at roll if their were no vigs rolled

Compulsive Disloyal Vigger
I actually what will happen if town was given such a role

thatā€™s why Iā€™m hesitant to actually scumread them