[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

use AtE when being pushed(see none of that).

makes weird yet relevant comments. Reads that are not really explained well but not in a bad way. It’s hard to articulate.


My current town list is you, Poss, Marshal, Derps.

he did that as scum (SFoL 00)
he’s done that here

I think it is more by agenda(voted with me in looming threat, defended luxy in 00)

then you can say that he’s not pushing agenda this game at all since a derps scumread doesn’t do him any favors

i don’t remember him AtEing in 00. He had a solid fakeclaim, i thought, and never really got pushed too hard iirc.

I get “Geyde townread me now I can not give a fuck” vibes from Shuri

He AtE’d d1 fairly sure

Why is marshall in ur town list

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Not when no one else is here other than Hippo
And Hippo himself is too focused on me so I can’t exactly read him because I have no shortfalls :3

U just named marshalls town list lol

I remember him being TR’ed d1 for trying.

we might be remembering differently but he seemed pretty calm that game and also in sfol53 mosty

that wasn’t my town list

I swear it was

pretty different from shuris


shares 3 similarities but they don’t have you or katze

I townread possessed more than kantz tbh

Why u townread marshall u didnt answer