[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

Imagine answering questions

I beought it up so it would be a weaker point to hit me with later

/vote Jake

Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s just so self aware I canā€™t

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You didnā€™t answer my question either, genius.

/vote jake

Your question is pure deflection

ā€œI knew someone would attack me for doing X scummy thing so i defended myself before anyone attacked meā€

thats really quite self-aware. Why do you care so much about your own image?

SDA, how the fuck can I deflect from, by your own admission, a non existant accusation?

Marshal, think for a second who youā€™re talking to, then answer that question.

our accusation is not that you pushed geyde a modconfirmed town.

itā€™s that you tried to defend yourself before anyone even accused you because you knew someone would bring that point up about you.t

So, you scumread me for thinking ahead? Great. Now Iā€™m being punished for actually thinking.
Maybe fool really is a good class after all

I am scumreading you for thinking ahead.

You care too much about your own image here and thatā€™s an inheretly scummy thing.

if you can find a town game in which you pre-defend yourself from accusations then be my guest.

I can find you towngames where I was scumread as town for being scummy. Itā€™s called fucking all of them.

Now, what would you think if I made an ISO on someone?

i dont care.

your only argument against our accusation of you caring too much about your image is.

that you do it as either alignment.

so find me a towngame where you show such care for image or perish

At this point Iā€™m just gonna push jake SoD from now on so he does stuff

Marshal, ypu are currently not being scumread. Therefore you are scum because only in your scumgames are you townread.

See how that logic works?

Now, donā€™t deflect my question.


Ah why did that sarcasm actually make sense to me