[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

Why mafia and not SK?

I really donā€™t think read into it beyond surface level

I mean if mist is town but i see what u mean

Because I didnā€™t want my target to die

When someoneā€™s is not posting or dosent want//canā€™t be someone else can be put into the same role as them hence replacing them

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In that case we lynch Mist then.
ā€¦but before that, I am begging you to tell me: How do you read Hippo?

I have no clue really
Try asking them?

U can say if u want but considering alignments and abil arent related im not gonna

Because I forgot that this game can have neutsā€¦
Well, thatā€™s an option too then.

I just end up reading them by where they push
VCA basically

Nonono. I mean; do you TR him or SR him?

What is an ā€œabilā€?


Null city

This game would be easier if it was just fucking closed at this point

If Iā€™m neighboizer, Iā€™m personally neighborizing my townreads. Iā€™d want to formulate a night plan between them rather than get an inactive linked.

TR personally

I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to read hippo socially tbh

Huhā€¦ So is it a delayed action thenā€¦? Interesting.

ā€“alright, thatā€™s not what I needā€¦

Question: Is there anyone who wants Hippo dead?

These nks really just look like they chose randomly