[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

Honestly, I’m still highly suspicious of Hippo. I can’t really tell what side he’s on which just makes me think that he’s scum. Personally I think he adds a lot of fluff to the chat rather then solid opinions.

I am inventor. Do you wish to kill Hippo?

That’s the issue with hippo he always does that

What do you mean by inventor?

If hippo flips town I keep my kill on you for the rest of the game

I can give you the ability to kill Hippo.
Do you want it?

Sure. I tunnel Hippo regardless of flip, and you tunnel me if Hippo flips town.
As long as Hippo dies (after Chemist, of course), then I am good.

And then I tunnel marshal, then SDA tunnels me, then Jake tunnels SDA…

Getting ur points across in a jokey way is not fluff fyi

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And also im not scum here, the lurkers who ive tried to get to engage and @ - squid, esquiddy, wazza yesterday - literally all just say “ur my only scumread lmao” and sus me.

With nearly half of ppl evil I would be v content just shutting up here and lurking instead of antagonizing the quiet ppl which is dumb if i wanted to endgame lol.

Also if i had a killing ability and was evil geyde would be 6ft under rn.

Wolves are high, im not high, thus im town. Get logic’d lads.

what did you actually get from zone

Geyde, do you feel like anyone has been trying to pocket you?

Marshal was the only pocket I really saw to be honest.

PoE time

I’m going to remove out cleared town

  • Marshal
  • Derps
  • Squid
  • Possessed
  • Hippo
  • Esquiddy
  • Mist
  • Jake
  • marina -> ZoneQ11

I’m going to remove out my towncore AND Esquid (assuming SDA’s metaread is correct, which for the purpose of this is me analyzing its validity)

  • Marshal
  • Derps
  • Squid
  • Hippo
  • Mist
  • marina -> ZoneQ11

Mist is confirmed nontown, so I’ll remove them too

  • Marshal - Vengeful Claim
  • Derps
  • Squid
  • Hippo - VT claim (?)
  • marina -> ZoneQ11 - Inventor claim (confirmed by hippo)

There has to be at least one scum in this list

I feel moderately confident in Hippo being town over the others, but not substantially enough to remove them from the PoE
Zone is intentionally (has admitted themselves) that they are living viscerally through their last life’s perspectives

Marshal ended up hardpushing a lot of wagons that I’d consider to be on villagers [Poss, Jake, Shurian]. Should take a look back at Poss to be sure but Jake is semi cleared in my mind by a large portion of the PoE pushing on them.

SDA is alright individually I guess
Track record on their pushes doesn’t seem all that great though

I find it very difficult to assume any team based on the PoE of two or more players given their interactions with each other

So I’m going to look more into Esquid/Jake since they were the most likely misclears among alive players

Why Esquid and I in particular?

Marshal / Derps - possible, but their interaction would lead to the other getting lynched sooner rather than later
Marshal / Hippo -

ehh don’t see it

Marshal / Squid - lulno
Marshal / Zone - lulno

SDA / Hippo - don’t know
SDA / Squid - not ruled out
SDA / Zone - not ruled out

Hippo / Squid - very likely not
Hippo / Zone - Extremely likely not

Squid / Zone - not ruled out

I actually want to look back on PSquid; I felt I might have been getting pocketed here by PSquid. I don’t know if ill have time to do an ISO but if I do ill post it.

Literally just a clown which lets me give someone else a pie ability which does nothing lol