[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

My brain already hurts from an 8 hour workshift aghhj

ok fair
What I got personally from looking at it is the only way Town makes that post is if they didnā€™t think about it

I think scum does that to try to make me question the validity of my own read and try to figure out how likely they are to die the following day

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Itā€™s hard to think when youā€™ve been studying hard af and be super tense the whole time

Iā€™m targeting one of Marshal/SDA/Zone tonight

Just got back from weights

Why one of those in particular?

Could you please target me to confirm that I am town?

/vote Zone
Oh fuck off GF

What is GF?



(minus Squid who Iā€™m relatively confident is scum)

But I want you to drop your Hippo tunnel

doesnā€™t work like that
My modifier doesnā€™t care what they peek as, rather just their exact alignment

additionally they canā€™t be both Godfather and Inventor (with more than 1 shot)

Them targetting me with the item is still wierd.

If they could choose the item surely a town would choose an actually relevant item and give it to Geyde.

Iā€™ll die tonight

Oh yeah theyd assume ud die

Retract my shadethrowing

Giving a daycop (or dayvig) to either you or possessed would be best

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