[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

is it the fact that im not sober cause that might not be helping my case

geyde why are you town

Your opener
Hard to understand just where that came from

im not sober enough to care about my opener big boy

Okay guys since Iā€™m dying from ghost pepper snacks
Iā€™m hardcore Vanilla Town
Okay good k thx bye

Itā€™s less a ā€˜do you careā€™ and more a
Have you already made up your mind before you asked the question situation

iā€™ve made my mind up about both of your alignments and absolutely nothing can sway my opinion

except sobriety

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that was sarcasm if you couldnā€™t tell

how am i supposed to formulate an opinion off of what iā€™ve got in front of me

go home youā€™re drunk

i am home

point taken

is the line on shurian with any degree of seriousness

i donā€™t think any amount of alcohol will make me genuinely locktown someone for saying theyā€™re not scum

further experimentation is required

Itā€™s 2:34 AM on my end
I really shouldnā€™t continue to be online

last thoughts

Ignore the fucking claim when reading Shuri
Itā€™s blatant WiFoM

Shuri is >rand scum for me
Katze made a few interesting additions but them being drunk makes actually reading into them a hive of wtf

I basically havenā€™t missed anything.

Good morning

Assuming the sign up thread is now the game thread?

Having a bit of difficulty figuring out where pre-rolecards stop and the game begins, so Iā€™m gonna analyze starting now. All your day openers are safe from my clutches!

Actually Iā€™m gonna go back on my no analyzing openings. This is your opening, Geyde? Lets compare this to what I believe is Shurian opening:

See a difference, Geyde? Because I donā€™t. Yet you are pushing Shurian for a similar opening and it has me questioning where its coming from.

Alright, I can finally type without feeling as tired as crap. I still feel a little tired but eh

What Iā€™m most interested in right now is Geydeā€™s reasoning on Shurian

Possessed does make a good point right here

Both of these openings talk about the amount of activity of the thread, but Shurian adds onto the idea and not just replicate the idea itself.
@Geyde I wanna hear your reasoning in more detail