[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

If you lynch a town, we’re pretty much screwed, you mean?

No lynching anything but mafia or sk screws you.

Actually side note how do you know it’s an SK Zone

…I just realized that Hippo and Jake is a troll, while Derps claims Neut, leaving only the Squids as my next commander before I go rogue. orz

Oh well. I’m gonna die next anyways, so I may as well go rogue now and decide what to do with my final night.

I have the power to basically lynch anyone here.

Anyways, Town taking an L at this point so I can’t win anymore, so imma just dip

Sure, sure. Still no reason for me to safe you whatsoever, so this is fine.

Imagine if I was actually a 13-voter survivor

Enjoy the win squid

That would make the Ultimate Kingmaker situation and I don’t know how to feel about that

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Simple level 0 reasoning; nobody claimed Vig and there were 2 deaths.

…unless Hippo claims Vig.

You know their can be multiple mafia right? Are you that braindead

Even if there were multiple mafia families, a mafia of 1 is just an SK with extra steps

Nah. Despite everything, you’d fit more as scum than a Survivor. Especially with how bad I am with neuts.

Whatever, enjoy your win Psquid, good job managing to manipulate town did a good job

Multiple mafia =/= multiple attackers.
And you’re starting to get rude with the brain-dead thingy. Stop it.

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Yes it does, multiple mafia teams means multiple faction kills. Braindead

I have the power to make your target’s ass into my hash, @SirDerpsAlot. Why shouldn’t I?

Dosent matter town loses here because they don’t lynch mafia so go ahead

Fun thing is; I don’t know where Jake’s vote come from, but PSquid did nothing to make me vote you. …it’s funny how you’re usually the cause of your own demise. Even in past games and all.

towns not lynching scum so I lose no matter what here so