[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

I’m in a game, I’ll try doing an ISO of Psquid but I’m not great at them, I don’t really do them much

Gonna start with this: 132 posts, not starting great.

Pretty much just says what possed says, dosent actually do anything here.

Bunch of posts not really adding anything at all to the game.

Reads Esquid as confused town here, one of the first real reads iv seen so far

Votes marshal here, earlier scumread on them (One post about having gut feelings from what Icould see)

First real push of the game onto marshal here

TSTBS argument, pretty dumb argument.

this defence is scummy.

then we get into today which isnt much. So far this has consisted of 1. like 100 posts of fluff and mechanics, a few posts scum reading marshal, and a townread on Esquid. Psquid seems to be avoiding making any real interactions with the thread.

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squid seems pretty detatched from the thread, theyve had a total of two scum reads (marshal and me) and one townread (Esquid)

that satisfy you @Zone_Q11

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Actually, that’s not true. Just because I’ve mentioned a few reads doesn’t mean that those are the only reads I have

if youre town why did you not mention other reads?

Most of my other reads either had little substance to them or I wasn’t confident enough in them. Heck, that happened before in other games

…? I don’t see what this has to do with PSquid. What was even the message?

What are you talking about? She:

  • questions eevee about MYLO
  • questions Possessed about him hating Hippo’s vote on Shurian
  • tells Jake to not fullclaim unless he wants to give scum more info
  • asks whether katze will be around for EOD.
  • …the rest is indeed fluff.

Pushing Marshal, who flipped town, I understand.
However, I don’t see how TRing Esquiddy is something scummy.

Hm… Dunno how to read this.
On one side; I am often using TWTBAW to safe my own ass whenever I am town.
On the other side; You do make a point about TWTBAW being a weak argument. Especially in PSquid’s context.

I want to ask you to elaborate why it is scummy, but in a setup with approximately 2~3 scum, and where Marshal, Possessed, and Geyde all flip town… Even without a VC, I can’t exactly deny your argument.

Hm… Very well. You’ve bought me.

/vote PoisonedSquid

In that case I hereby threaten you to make a confident read unless you want to be killed.
How do I get you killed? By giving Derps a 1-shot Killing ability in case he lives through D3!

like none of them are scummy, but all together it look like scum trying to look like they exist

Okay I hath returned.

Didnt mean to quote this meant to copy it but you get the point

Yes I know there is an obvious parallel to me being like Gandalf who returns in your hour of need but please dont to refer to me as Grand Wizard you’ll embarass me.

Does anyone want to change their claim in anyway before I hardclaim?


no, i am sticking with my fake ass 13 voter claim

And I thought your mindset is “Neuts Out” :roll_eyes:
I know I’m more confident on my read on Derps with his desperation on ESquid and his lack of explanation on why ESquid is town besides saying “Oh, I know how he acts in real life” instead of giving actual reason

Anyway, Hippo, I don’t think our claims are changing anytime soon

Okay, there were too many errors for me in that post to ignore. I get really annoyed with that kind of stuff

I am a cop. Poisonedsquid is not a member of the town.

what does this have to do with our claims, im confused

I gave squid the chance to claim neutral