[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

So what ur saying is that ur a mafia goon?

yes but we donā€™t talk about statistics when talking about mafia

I guess we find out when you die

NO! Geez, youā€™re frustrating at times!

I deny that theory; what happened with the third attack on N2?

There are 4 vanilla claims so squid has to be vanilla

Well Mist died D2, so

Well, either way, we have 3 killers, so either one mafia with +2 KPN, 2 mafia, one of them has +1KPN, 1 SK and 1 mafia, mafia has +1KPN, or some combo with 3 killers

I mean they could be Vanilla Mafia etc

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Esquiddy also has to be vanilla too but neither are guaranteed to be vanilla town. I got a bit confused about this and thought I had broken the game for a bit till i realized lol

ā€¦gah. Damnit.
Not impossible, but as Jake said: 1/25 chance. I still deny it.

Just curious if PSquid ends up flipping SK would that change your read?

Doesnā€™t change anything: At 2/5 evils excluding myself.

Hm. I think Mist was a Mafia of 1, who probably realized they couldnā€™t win, so they claimed SK for the lulz. It would explain the missing death.

Hm? If PSquid flips SK, thenā€¦ ngl, Iā€™d still go for you D4.

Why not go for him now? If heā€™s more likely SK, then why not lynch him so he canā€™t use his vest to protect himself

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PoisonedSquid SirDerpsAlot, Zone, JakeTheWolfie 3
SirDerpsAlot PoisonedSquid 1
Additional votes
Accused Voters Number
PoisonedSquid JakeTheWolfie (x2) 2
SirDerpsAlot JakeTheWolfie 1


/vote Poisoned x100 Quintillion

WikiHow to hammer someone

So I did the math and Im pretty sure that tomorrow is Mylo/Lylo (not 100% sure on the difference tbh)