[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

You won’t though, because you can’t. :grinning:

Anyways. I want an analysis on Hippo because Hippo skyrocketed to my scumlean list.

All I will say is you can’t lynch me, and I am town. That’s that.

I am willing to move past this based on meta once you confirm that is your title - the modifier


No role except for [modified] lynchproof VT cannot be lynched(except maybe innocent child)

Maybe I’m trying to hide my modifier? Hmm?

The more you discuss it, the more advantage scum gets.

what is your role, minus the modifier.

is it [REDACTED MODIFIER] Lynchproof vanilla townie?

just tell me, minus the modifier



Im miller

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Say it marshall

no as in that’s not your role?

or no as in you don’t wanna confirm this because you don’t know your own role

No as in end of discussion. Either lynch me today or don’t but all im giving you is that you can’t lynch me.

Posessed is prolly town here tbh. It makes no sense agro pissing ppl off as scum even if u are unlynchable.

If u look at vca waz is clrly scum

no you tell me or i fucking dayvig you right now

this is a hardclaim

and you aren’t dayvig immune. so tell me now what your role is, minus modifier

/vote shurian

Do it. Waste an unlynchable town role.

I know
It’s just that you have a serious case of ‘take what I say and find holes that aren’t even there’

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