[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

I still don’t get why it mattered if he outed he was x shot

Because he was fakeclaiming as something else while leaving a crumb for their actual role
Is that obvious enough by this point

Marshal has lost his town game because he played too much scum games in a row

Also Derps you can be accurate but not when u are like sleepy


The tunnel was unlike Marshal and SDA; I’m pretty convinced they are town with righteous complexes. Mist though…THAT push has felt off. Coupled with a lack of conviction when called out…gross.

Discrediting urgh hurr poss/shuri scum teem

I still don’t think poss is town

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If u continue down this path I shall smite you

Hey Katze? This one, right here.

(Just kidding lol)

I do gotta go to bed. Wife nagging.

I see no reason to fake claim a different modifier like that their, also I still don’t really buy the claim

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baseless shading of geyde

more talk about geyde. nothing much else.

more mechanical talk, nothing of substance.

all mech talk, no reads.

slank cover

arete is all mech-talk, no game or reads talk. this is honestly my top scum. Just warps thread around geyde and mechanics.

read this abysmal iso and vote this with me.
/vote arete

read the playerlist

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You dont have to
Just let it flow.


read an obvious reactiontest

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Endless quality content has left me scarred and deformed
also what was the point of that one

I swear to god
I was gonna be like
Arete in game?

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Townblock activate
I’m feeling v shuri

I just assumed arete was in the game and was confused

i kinda just wanted to do it.

maybe catch someome voting somebody for the sake of agenda and not for the sake of actually hunting scum

/vote arete