[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

I was thinking you were actually solving and being openminded
Actually these right here

The ones here after Geyde said it felt like you were pushing agenda

These show that you have at least considered a possibility of Jake being town.

Could you point out the shade? I dont think Iā€™ve meant to shade you in any way

Also, not publically putting you into a town box has its own uses
I have 300 iq

I guess itā€™s not explicitly shade

just weird logic imo

I am of the firm belief that reaction tests, to indicate people of whether being town or not, requires at least all players to be active.

Then from that, we can search for TMI. But I believe one or more of the players arenā€™t active at all, so its kinda moot.

Actually now that I properly think about it thatā€™s just me being lazy right

It just sounds like youā€™re holding the fact that multiple people didnā€™t post in a 20+ hours period against me

but maybe I just suck at reading you

Oh no
I can see why you think its against you
But remember
Its against the possibility of you having scum buddies who knew about what you were going to do, or who knew you werent that of what you claimed.

Read my intentions and not my content kappa

is this TMI that thereā€™s more than one scum faction

I donā€™t see it that way

No statistically theres gonna be more than 1.

I still think its weird that shurian thinks theres 3 tho

I predict exactly 2

Bookmark this post for later postgame when u can all adore my omniscience^

murphyā€™s law calls 5 tbh

The fish
I mean I was memeing when I did the 3 factions and 1 SK shit

But this one sounds serious. Should I treat this seriously?

murphyā€™s law calls 13 and we are all SKs

geyde is a bastard IC

okay what about


U werent meming im p sure