[SFM] Vanilla Mafia Mafia Mafia(TM) - Serial Killer Win! ...wait, who?

he actin like he confirmed town or smn.

what a nerd

@Kirefitten gib vc pls

Wagon Geyde with us

CFD geyde gogogogogo

jake join us

I want to know who is on the wagon first

just me rn

Me, marshal, and I think one other?

I swear someone else had voted them

oh and derps.

mist unvoted geyde

wait no it was wazza

Oh missed that

Just me and marshal then

wazza unvoted geyde

so its just me and derps

and you should help us ruin him.

lets run an anti-geyde rally.

lets all give our feeling in a circle.

So, you two explain your vote on geyde. As you two have been in the thread longer than me, please provide quotes n shit for their guilt.

I donā€™t give quotes

Geyde is acting like heā€™s some sort of ā€œconfirmed townā€ and itā€™s really irritating. So full of himself.

just so irritating. right derps?

Ye itā€™s kinda annoying, feels like mafia trying to lead town

Exe-llent. I shall vote immediately. :wolf:

I will be voting no one until someone actually makes a solid case against why Geyde is scum.