[SFM] Winter Chaos - Panda King And Co. Wins!

cough Echoes cough


/reveal as Santa


nooooo Marl noooo

Why would you reveal (no reason to)


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it’s my calling

(that’s the MU anniversary game with over 150 players btw :^) )

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Also I do have a reason to

Once I reveal, at the start of D3 there will be a special event. Both scum and town can benefit from this event, meaning not even scum should want me dead yet, even if i do reduce POE. :thinking:

This event can only happen if i’m alive

What kind of event are you talking about?

A wishgranting event


Is it really ok to post spoilery stuff like that?

Alright, sorry marl


I actually have to stop wishgranting events

Soooo when you revealed, you kinda put me in a bad position

What are you, Junpei?

Insert P3 Soundtrack



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This is why there isn’t another game in the Zero Escape series

I am the wishgranter :thinking: why do you need to stop it?

So uh

Here’s a thing


/Reveal as Santa Claus

Are you the even numberd Santa