[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Not really, but I at least get things moving.

And I have had scummates been caught and been caught myself off of those so I can see where they are powerful.

I guess you have a point there.
Sigh. Lolreactiontests. Lolscumslips.

Um. Where’s my vote again?

/vote Isaac_Gonzalez the true pro vote.


Soulread, Soulshade scum.

Haha. Get it? Soul-read-

/vote Soulshade

kill me.

Imagine existing haha

This was 16 hours ago.

we lynch in 28 hours. And we have gotten not very much past RVS.

@Shurian Please explain your reasoning on vulgard/

You all have less than 10 posts(signup posts inculed). Please try to weigh in on things and produce content.

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ok gamer

Calls vul scum in opener. Vulgard had about 3 posts and most were respondiing to kyo saying he would edit classcards. Fine as a meme, but it gets more,

all NAI memeing. Regardless of alignment, i would prefer shuri be serious. we Do have a lynch today.

Continues the vultunnel. Not looking like the opener was a meme anymore.

Just… More memeing. Not gonna read into it because it’s NAI but it’s all just fluff.

their whole identity has been anti-vulgard. Just this.

I mean this is a decent point about how to read vulgard. but personally i would read him based off tone.

and back to the vultunnel.

nearly every non-meme post has mentioned vulgard(and we’re never really given a reason for this). Shuri, please expand.

More memeing and then this.

Honeslty, not a fan of shuri. I’ll Iso other soon but right now my vote stays where it is until shuri does both:

a) explain the read on vulgard
b) mention something game-related that’s not vulgard-related.

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Pretty sure this means that scum know superpower but superpower acts as a LW.

Tinfoil: Shuri is a groupscum and vulgard is the superpower.

This really doesn’t have to do much with vul(I haven’t read him yet) but it’s something to consider

woah marshal Marshal being serious, what content may i comment on

Let’s get Moving people


I want more content from Vul, he hasnt even answered my question, if he burned my tree down :cry:

But i do agree, shuri is looking bad rn.

move the dang kart

Talk about stuff you see.

early townreads? fishy interactions?

Soulshade soulreads?

really just want to get this game moving, otherwise soon it’ll be like 5 hours from EOD and we won’t know what to do.

I mean it’s ofc pretty reachy but it’s a tinfoil. just something to think about.

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Honestly, i know its d1, and it`s notorious for memeing and shit

but his tone shifts from serious to memey quite erratically

I know there isnt much, but his progression is looking kinda bad so far

uh what is there to read?

create your accusation if you wanna win

I’ll read sooner or later though


there is not much content from like half the player list so far.

i wanna generate my reads, and start building my associations

then we can figure out the bastards who burned down my tree :angry:

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~200 non-signups posts can be read.

we are getting some shuricontent soon(i see typing) and hopefully you could give some input on that.