[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Shurian said I was healed?

??? When? N2?

Then Jgoes and Shurianā€™s results contradict each other assuming PKRā€™s claim is legit.

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Shurian says I was healed N2 but Jgoes only saw Shurian visit me, not PKR.

So either PKR lied about his target, or he lied about his class, or Jgoesā€™ claim is fake.

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@PokemonKidRyan What do you think about this?

Iā€™m not jumping off Magnus yet because Iā€™m still convinced he got caught in a lie. I want to hear PKRā€™s input before I consider switching my vote.

I think itā€™s clear to me which it is.

At this point a healer is a problem to scum, especially since I claimed to have already used my shield and therefore Jgoes can safely claim whatever they want, especially since pressure has been on me all game.

Jgoes used that claim to get rid of a healer who is mislynch bait.
I am unsure who would be on a team with Jgoes but that is where I am looking from here, unless anyone wants to claim to have redirected me.
If there is a scum redirector it would be useful to know that too since it is a lesser possibility imo.

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So you think Jgoes is scum? Who are his partners in your eyes?

@Vulgard do I need to go back to boldening parts?

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I did read that part, but I want to hear your first thoughts.

I have literally no clue.
I saw Marsh was a wagon but have not looked into associations yet.

I think Shurian is very unlikely to be scum so Iā€™d take them out of the equation.
Plus you keep asking these important things but youā€™re just as good at doing this as scum so Iā€™m tentatively townreading you atm.

So you think Jgoes is scum based on this, even though you donā€™t see him being partners with anyone else still alive?

Iā€™ve literally not looked into it yet. So I do not know who would be, at this moment of time.
I need to ISO dive Jgoes and search peopleā€™s interactions with em too.

My gut instinct is telling me Jgoes is scum, however I do still consider the possibility I was redirected.
I do not know which it was but if nobody wants to claim the redirect I know either:
1 - Jgoes is scum
2 - Some scum member has the ability to redirect and somehow made me go off you



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Mechanical questions regarding roles are required to be asked inside of rolecards.

I donā€™t mind answering questions regarding game mechanics and setup mechanics (such as, how is majority calculated and how does redirection feedback work).

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Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Jgoesgaming, Marshal 3/6
Magnus Magnus 1/6

What is Magnus even doing.

/unvote to prevent a quick hammer.

So Magnus is an outed liar and also selfvoting.

/vote Magnus

What is this and why is my vote not on him.

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Jgoesgaming, Marshal 2/6
Magnus Magnus, Vulgard 2/6

Vulgard is Target A
Jgoes is Target B.

Target B had Nothing.
Target A has a heal on them.