[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Hey, Hey.

What ya’ll doing, don’t claim if you don’t want to, I’m not forcing claims here
I’m just trying to slot everyone.

/vote Jgoes

Oi, my vote was a joke!

I’m not too sure if I want to directly clear based on my results on Vulgard, because I know I wasn’t redirected.

Wait a min…
Jgoes cant be hunter


Why not?

I’m pretty sure it’s 100% obvious if you take a glance at the above 20 posts…

You realise Jgoes could be scum Hunter?

He cannot be Hunter.

He’s obviously missing a result from which that contradicts mine.

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Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Jgoesgaming, Marshal 2/6
Magnus Vulgard 1/6
Jgoesgaming Shurian 1/6

And that PKR claims to also have healed Vulgard, which I did see a heal, and no other healer claims have outed.
Hence, I’m more inclined to believe PKR over Jgoes here.

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Or you could be contradicting every other Hunter?
Reee Shurian lockscum! Getthem!


Just that Vul’s gonna die soon XD

not my problem my night actions are always so controversial. I don’t mind it thoo :3

It’s better to be safe than sorry

Yes, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so we lunch the Jgoes

But I disapprove of cannibalism.

I’ll be over here, having a salad.

But you don’t want to die yet dont u :3