[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!


I canā€™t be on for a little but Iā€™ve read up and /vote jgoes

I guess Pkr is fine in this case.

/voteJgoes sheep because Idk whatā€™s happening

How close are we to hammer

Can someone explain to me why Magnus is hardcore memeing?

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I cannot and I donā€™t think he understands the gravity of the situation heā€™s in.

Honestly feels to me like scum saying no u.

Itā€™s me blowing a raspberry

Magnus had a mini stroke noted

No u

Seriously though, iā€™ve just lost motivation.
At the start, I was feeling great, and tried contributing as much as possible. Thatā€™s the reason I was
able to make the ISO. But seeing how every towngame iā€™m scumread, itā€™s hard to remain focused.

Unofficial Votecount

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan JgoesGaming, Marshal 2/6
Magnus Vulgard 1/6
JgoesGaming Shurian, PokemonKidRyan, Magnus, SirDerpsAlot 4/6

You realise confirmed means 100%, thereā€™s no possible way Jgoes isnā€™t evil, because weā€™ve confirmed they are?

The exact same thing I did as Hunter claim. Didnā€™t see someone. So why am I not confirmed wolf?

Because you retracted the claim. There is sufficient proof that our Hail was occupied visiting you. Youā€™re a legitimate Mage claim, as per see.

Jgoes hasnā€™t come on yet. Iā€™m not too sure, but the thing is, he outed his results after I claimed a visit onto Vulgard. He even stated. ā€œVulgard - Shurian onlyā€.

PKR has a conflicting claim. He said specifically that he visited Vulgard. And that he healed on that night.

That makes it more suspicious than your exact thing. The difference in situation, as well as the extenuating circumstances make it more damning for Jgoes than you.

Vulgard, I think you should just claim or Iā€™m going to die.

PKR did not heal Vulgard.

Could you look back at your results
Its only me? >_<

Yes, only you.

@Jane @Shurian your claims directly contradict with each other.
The fact Jgoes is voting me and not Shurian (Due to the fact that Jgoes and Shuri cannot both be good here) is really suspicious too.

Its known for sure we visited the same targetā€¦

Unvote jgoes.