[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

It helps lock in your claim so that I don’t have to put up with any claim bullshit later on from any specified results when I inevitably find you visiting or what not.

Not always

And it always works

also means you can’t fakeclaim to push agenda later.

claim now.

no it doesnt.

you are lying.

I just want to know her claim. The fact is, everyone else has claimed…

Magnus - Human Mage
Marshal - Human what was it again?
Hail - Something Hunter cant remember
Vulgard - ??? Death Knight
Me - Gnome Hunter

Like, you two are left

Letting scum know my class isn’t good
I am conf town already I don’t need additional confirmation

Were u human?

I already claimed

Let’s list it out… Haiz…


Is Hja confirmed town?

Wdym it doesn’t it has worked in all past games you can start with deus

Ya but I need your claim again I cant read Ecks dee

Uhh lets see… Mage…?

I do agree such meta doesn’t work on micro reads or without prove but both aren’t cases here

Can someone tell me where Hja is? I can never follow her

What part you didn’t understand?

Probably everything

death knight

Im a human yes.

Blizerhja isn’t goblin and Vulgard isn’t tauren.

Human Hunter Beast Mastery.

N1: beast mastery(received Iron fur)
D2: Invest blizer(now hja) for goblin(they are not)
N2: Tripwire HAIL(not pilica as my dumbass said earlier). Magnus Visited
D3: Invest Vul for Tauren(they aren’t)
N3: Tripwire Shuri(hail visited)

here ya go.

You used your lim use ability on random people for random race?

My invest d2 was dumb as i didn’t have a good idea for what horde class to look for, But i was sure i was right about isaac and would be the obvious nightkill after, from my POV, being spewed town from his flip

Note that Mechanics won’t clear Marshal here.


@DirectorHail Is there something odd?