[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

e.e Might look into vulguard today just been busy, I mean everyone else hasn’t done much but theres at least some posts to go with

Vote seems strange due to my previous town game having the same thing happen but I won’t fully bash it I guess.

This seems like vulguard trying to create discussion at least with the random voting.

ok. Yet again this doesn’t seem really motivated one way or the other just basic discussion starting votes/posts

(Note Vulguard made his own reads on blizer and luxy I’m not going to read other reads lists until I have a read on that person so that my first thoughts on someone isn’t manipulated to be in line with how someone else feels)

Vulguards scum games he puts less effort into them from what I know, right now he seems fine but it can be easy at times to make a genuine read on current Vulguard, or at least Vulguard would be scum that has learnt this after a few games.

Says you, you’ve helped a lot in town games lets not argue if people are “smart” or not.

activity reads are alright and can be good based of previous meta just don’t activity read someone based off assuming they’re scum it depends on someones meta, heck some people are more active as scum then town because they may enjoy scum games and work harder, Activity reads should be based off that players personal motivation

Day 1 with no posts easily I can disagree with this point, it’s going to be hard early game to tell people who are busy from lurkers or people who cannot make any decent content due to the lack of content other people have presented.

Game solve motivation = Null, scum generally want to “game solve” or look towards a way of getting a misslynch, It’s more dependable.

In FM Everyone is a lawyer or politician trying to read them isn’t as simple as “they’re trying to game solve” then again it shows they’re helpful and shouldn’t be pushed early game so I’m fine with the unvote (well voting someone else).

All I got for now I Need to look at other players that Vulguard has made reads on to comment on his reads, Vulguard has done many reads which I’ll give credit for and it sounds like vuluard is more motivated then his scum games, things are subject to change but I currently am getting town vibes from Vul.

We got a larger day now so I really am not panicking and trying to enjoy the day, for now I feel like making reads on people like Vulguard and people he’s commented on

and yes I don’t think anyone should be taking day 1 claims seriously like that.

A replacement is needed. (@Simon @Emilia)

I read back

I love when interactions boil down to the people who are actually talking shouting at each other angrily
It’s so fun when we aren’t getting anywhere

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dont question it

Derps is that player whose play is so inanely easy to push that any push on their slot is actually pretty good of a look for them

Does this actually come from scum trying to look slightly decent

The answer is no
Get off of LHF

Im better later in the game, dosent help im in like 3 FM games and like 2 roleplaying games atm xd

This post is bad for x, y and z
I will now backflip on my read of Vulgard



Frost make AI content or you die

I don’t know what that means help

He’s living viscerally through whatever other players post to a fault
I’d hardly call that leading

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Luxy isn’t making big boi PoE
/vote Luxy


Giving the situation before this I actually think this was an Alliance play, the objective was to put pressure on me which luxy happily agreed to, despite thinking me and Pilica were forcing small talk.

Pilica’s IOS’s and thought process’s seem a bit forced to me, they started off the game not contributing anything and didn’t until 12 hours later(Obviously you need sleep but you know, it’s as if they were thinking it all over to seem like alliance.) However like me they said this is their first proper forum match, so like me they might not if even known what an IOS was. It also seems they are trying to set an agenda against SirDerpsAlot, but overall Pilica is TL, although that could very easily change, we’ll see how things turn out in time.

Hail is v
You can’t change my mind