[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Put some effort to it

Have they been pushing agenda

SDA is a shit wagon
Bug off

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Actually I should probably read it again.

ā€¦Iā€™m not sure what Soul means here, honestly. I did point out Soulā€™s behavior as town in his last town game - ā€˜starting to play on D2.ā€™ Is that really strange? ā€¦I guess it doesnā€™t matter.

True. That being true is NAI but still.

Iā€™ve noticed every single conclusion he has been drawing until that point has been a hedge or a ā€˜null conclusion.ā€™ Itā€™s not necessarily scummy from my POV, because itā€™s true that you could read my early posts one way or the other. But itā€™s still there.

ā€¦Is this buddying? Or am I paranoid?

Super NAI, but that part feels weirdly placed. What is the point of writing all that in an ISO, I wonder. Itā€™s not even about me, itā€™s about activity reads in general. He doesnā€™t say whether he disagrees with my thread read or agrees with it, instead he drifts off and goes on a slightly related tangent. Itā€™s a bad look in my opinion. Itā€™s like he cannot keep his attention on the ISO - maybe because he does not actually care about my alignment, and thus the conclusions he is drawing.

I noticed that before, but he defends Frost because ā€˜itā€™s hard to tell busy people from lurkers earlygame.ā€™ It feels like something a scum would say to defend another scum. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen something like this come from town, about another town. Heā€™s not trying to discourage a mislynch, heā€™s defending Frost before a wagon forms on him. Iā€™m getting bad feelings from that part.

And here he shades Shurian after I change my read on him. It looks really bad in my eyes.

This is earlier in the post. Here, he more or less says that he is not going to engage with my reads because he does not want to be influenced by them. Which is all well and good, but itā€™s strange considering what he does later. Later in the post, he defends Frost and attempts to prevent me from townreading Shurian. Was my flipped read on Shurian inconvenient for him somehow? I wonder.

Itā€™s also strange to me because he ignores my reads on Blizer and Luxy (much more substantial, containing more volume, etc.), but does not ignore my read on Frost and my flipped read on Shurian. My flipped read on Shurian. Soul engages with the reads I have that are less elaborate while ignoring the more elaborate ones. It feels like a really strange thing to do in an ISO - why not read the posts where I have more content and comment on them?

Maybe Iā€™m confbiasing myself a bit, but this feels really scummy. Itā€™s like he does not engage with my incorrect reads, but does engage with the reads that are correct and inconvenient for him. The part about Frost was scummy enough from my perspective, but the part about Shurian takes the cake. It feels innocent at first glance, but what I actually see there is something like ā€œplease donā€™t change your read on Shurian, heā€™s one of the people I would like to see mislynched.ā€

If I look at Soulā€™s read on me from a town perspective, it mostly makes sense. However, I feel like he was not very motivated to reach a strong conclusion.

This read does not seem very in-depth. He says that he townreads me because of the fact Iā€™m ā€˜motivatedā€™, but he does not actually explain how Iā€™m motivated and how it makes me town. He only says that I was trying to create discussion - at the beginning, and thatā€™s all he says about me being motivated. ā€¦Maybe he is just town struggling to read me, but in general, I get bad vibes from that wall.

I donā€™t want to pre-flip associate him with anyone, but I think Soulā€™s slot needs to be looked at more deeply. I wasnā€™t lying before when I said I soulread Soul as scum. Maybe itā€™s actually true.

Itā€™s hard to tell whoā€™s pushing agenda and who isnā€™t in this threadstate, where dozens of wagons form. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to read people based on other things.

If I was scum in this game I could find bullshit reasons to vote people and get them mislynched without really lifting a finger. These are the people Iā€™m looking for. People with bullshit reasons who donā€™t get on good wagons from my POV, and people who coast because itā€™s convenient. And other people.

Itā€™s honestly hard to explain what Iā€™m looking for, but agenda isnā€™t really one of those things. Not while the thread is like this.

Ah yes
Enslaved agendaposting

I still feel like blizer has been pushing agenda.

Thatā€™s my one word

I donā€™t feel agenda in this chiliā€™s tonight.

Aka I donā€™t see agenda here.

He is being unhelpful and kinda a nerd but I donā€™t see agenda here

How many players do you think they are willing to push off of this

Shade =/= agendapushing in my eyes

Thatā€™s exactly what agenda is

Your ISO of Frost is the biggest letdown Iā€™ve seen today. I scrolled through the post to find a Powerful Geyde Read on the smol frostiewolfieuwu and only found that.

Wallposts have left me scarred and deformed

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I define it as pushing town and keeping scum alive, as well as setting up town to look like scum and scum to look like town based off flips

Iā€™m getting tired of Geyde dancing around the subject, just push me already. I can tell how much you want to do this, so just do it.

The problem with Frost is that theyā€™re pushing people away and shading people. Theyā€™re pulling a ā€œleave me the fuck aloneā€ in thread while setting up pushes

And unless they unveil their POV on game I only see it as agenda posting
They clearly have takes, but it all ends in ā€˜this looks badā€™

I refuse
If I donā€™t ruthlessly re-evaluate every 2 seconds who will

I still believe Isaac is v after rereading