[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

This will not take into account Day 1. I didnt really have any strong leans that day, but since we know Luxy is town, (and dead), lets go.

Here are town.

Shurian - Nuff said. Me town. Hail me.

Vulgard - Someone heal him. I must have been crazy the last day cockblocking him, but since he’s definitely not superpower, he’s clear.
Squid - Not Scum. Lack of TMI in her latest post is all that I need.
I find it easy to find small little micro tells in people because of all the stupid things I do DX.

Pilica - He’s no longer top town, but he’s at least telling the truth about his class. I did use 3 abilities as of last night, having used it on Vul thinking he was a superpower upon looking at Soul’s post on Vulgard. I’d want to see more from him.

Hail (Tentative) - I don’t see a bigbrain killing the target you visited here unless he has 300 IQ. Awaiting confirmation from Kyo.

Soul - The point on Soul outing Vul as Superpower is moot if Vul is cfm’d not superpower. There’s one thing that irked me, but otherwise I remember reading and feeling a good vibe. Will return to this.

Magnus - Magnus or Maggie, Not worth reading into right now. There’s others way more juicy than this survivor. (Scum NKing him? LOL)

Blizer - I remember being biased D1 towards him. That one hedgey shade still kinda irks me but I’m willing to let it go for the time being.

SDA - I have not read on him. Have I even really touched on him? I have no memory of him rn.

PKR - @PokemonKidRyan please tell me your thoughts on the current thunderdome. We could use some mechanical expertise. This will remain until you tell me what you think of the current situation.
Marshal - I see his progression and thoughts. However, he’s far too narrow minded than what I usually think when I see Marshal. That makes me think he’s pushing an agenda of keeping the superpower alive. Also, he’s going into lol preflips. And now that I read his ISO… he shades literally everyone, just like Blizer’s one post on 3 ppl, but he does it across the board. I will note that this read is conf bias, but I’m going to push this up to the chalk for he’s more or less likely scum trying to drive mislynch.

Isaac - Lol how convenient warrior, one of your targets died boom bye scumpower. (Same could be said for me, but we somehow visited the same person. Unless someone else visited Geyde… NOT EVER LOL)

Lol it took 15 mins
Shurian lockscum reeee

Please slot Geyde into the townread list for gut feeling.

3 abilities usages.
1 Day on Vulgard.
2 night on Geyde and Luxy.


I thought that too. At least, before the game started.

Gnomes can’t use 2 abilities at night. They may, however, use the same ability 2 times at night. I’d asked during N0 when choosing my specialisation.

Why would you not ask on that if you were really gnome?


I think you’re onto something.
But I will urge you to reread the situation here.

I will now discredit your posts as much as possible attempt to sway you to my side.

But first, I must ask questions to ascertain your stance.

When is your first instance of thinking I’m scum? After all, I believe you leaned me as town at first.

Next, what makes me more likely to be scum superpower over Isaac? Could you explain that? I want to know because I see “Isaac posted first, its all information out in thread, there’s no continuation of information, hence Shurian is scum.”

Finally, why did you mute me? I mean, I see the mute post up there, and I may have been a little more than a bit excited, but I wanna hear what you think.

On a little hindsight.

I’ll drop Geyde to a scumlean just based on this interaction alone.

I’m self resolving
You literally can’t scumread me

You’re the assassin guy right?

if geyde is alive tommorow he is lockscum and will be lynched

If I’m alive tomorrow and Pilica flips wolf then I’m not going to be lynched based on a bleed claim that would get me killed if I was scum
It would kill me if I was scum and killed scum with it

Here’s my take.

Isaac buddies you.
You get confirmation that he knows you’re not the class you’re at.
You “townread” him.


Isaac buddies you.
You get confirmation that he knows your class.
You townread him.

well yes if pilica flips wolf then you are basically locktown.

But that’s not happening since I’m just going to fucking die

If Pilica flips wolf.

But what is that action based on? Attacking Pilica is not of the current thunderdome.

I muted your slot because I didn’t feel like I would get any spew from it
I think you’re scum over Isaac because Isaac is obvtown based off of literally not trying to care about their image

If you’re trying to sway me to your side then you clearly know that I’m good, but you put me at a scumlean.

That’s the biggest joke I’ve heard all day… Imo, that’s literally NAI.

Lolmeta. So lets say, yes, I’m the superpower. Where does that lead? Indeed, there’ll be no spew, because the superpower DOES NOT KNOW their buddies.

So, who are the 3 that are most blatant in TRing me? That’ll be my scumbuddies… assuming.


Of course, scumlean =/= scumlock. There’s still a chance you’ll be town, and so I rather find someone to work with than argue with mafia.