[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

I do understand that. I mean, it is strange for someone in a thunderdome to suddenly ask you things like that. For claim, for class? I mean, that’ll set off alarm bells.

But you do see where I’m coming from, right?

i said yes did i not?
i understand where you are coming from but at the same time, i literally always play this way.
to the point where im confident enough to self-meta my way into a NAI


you know i dislike self-meta as much as the next guy,
but there are certain things it can accomplish

The only thing its gonna net is a scum not NKing you.

Either way you’re dead if Pilica flips town.

well yeah.
did i talk about that with the NAI thing?
no i did not

pilica is obvtown and if simongeyde is alive tommorow they are conf wolf anyways unless pilica dies and flips wolf

I’m more or less certain I’m dead today.

What’s this replying to tho?


you were talking about me being weird with information when i came in.
that, and only that, is what i was saying is NAI via self-meta

Okay, i think there’s a miscommunication somewhere.

The only information you should ever have, is the role you have, the actions Geyde took, and whatever Geyde decided to put inside his rolecard.

TMI does not apply here AT ALL.

Self-meta, I guess I could use that, but argue that you’re being self conscious and direct to you as scum. It doesn’t help your case at all. Again, you pointing out your own meta is NAI, therefore rendering any supposed change in views of people reading you, moot.

Can people stop relying on meta like a crutch?

Back when my POE was already at 4 too… now it’s at 5. Geyde whaiddya replace out >_>

There’s one thing I must note here.

I have 0 idea of what it looks like from outside this thunderdome.

I see Isaac as SP, and I literally can’t see any other possibilities.

My views will and solely be biased against Isaac, so I urge @Marshal to explain the situation to @Simon

I might be unable to at this moment.

I have to do my DRTC game and also host GI v2 and also 5 hours of homework.

I have given my thoughts, so simon is free to ISO me, but i think he should just read all of the posts that come after hail’s post.

That’s the problem
I’m pulling my head out because he wants someone to summarize the game for him


For your information, I think Day 2 starts at 1100 or somewhere there. It’s best to start from there.

Other events include Frost getting mislynched D1, Luxy dying N1.

Order of Claiming in D2:

yes, hence why i was hesitant to put any of that information out here that was not already out.

correct. it does not.
i used it as an example for why i play this way regarding information.

au freaking contraire. it goes against the scummy information on me. it doesnt make me townread, it cant make someone more likely to be town (in almost all cases) by its very nature. but it can cancel out other things.

ya’doi, thats the point, it renders you saying the whole information thing moot. thats how it freaking works.
do i need to get the literal wiki article on self-meta? because i can, and i will

okay thats some shade if i ever saw it.
or at very least some kind of logical fallacy.
i dont rely on meta.
i used it here yes but like i am one of the main few people being outspoken on people doing things like that. i have always been against self-meta being used to generate reads.

Any supposed change.

If people are scumreading you, they will not change their view just because you did an NAI thing. Does that make sense?

no, it makes something NAI.
technically it isnt NAI in and of it self.
it becomes a direct oppositional force to the target for which the self meta was applied.
making the combination NAI

It’s meta. It applies to self-meta clearance. I never said about generating reads.

Look at Hja! Self-meta too!