[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!



What do you think about my tree being burned.

I sense chaos and evil afoot.
Thou mongrels shalt be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

Also, have you tried pouring water over the tree?

Head not working, sleep needed, night guys.

Yeah, no, that aint going to work.

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Pour more water

Yea, you guys know jack shit.

It is imperative to find out who burned my tree

Why do you have a tree and why is it on fire

Its My Home.

Can I move In

Its Been Burned down

so, enjoy tree ashes.

Unburn it


I dont know where the Dragon Aspects are

Even then, yeah, you dont fuck with time.

Come live with me then

Where do you Live?

I dunno

Thats super Helpful.

I wasn’t told where I live

lets talk more so this game doesn’t die

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