[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!


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Accused Voters Votes
Marshal DirectorHail, Vulgard, WazzaAzza, SirDerpsAlot 4/4
H_Hja Marshal 1/4
Abstaining Magnus, H_Hja 2/7

Marshal has been lynched. He was…


Undead (Passive) - You may talk to the living for two days after death.
Touch of the Grave (Day) - Establish a link between you and a dead player, allowing you to communicate for the night. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Beast Mastery
Tripwire (Night) - Set a snare at a player’s house. You will be told who visited them. - Infinite uses
Befriend (Night) - Tame a beast. You will gain a random ability from any class to use the next night. This cannot be an ability from a faction superpower. After that, the ability will revert back to Befriend. - 2 uses

Night four begins and will end 2019-11-11T20:00:00Z or until all players enter their actions before then.

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A replacement is needed.

DirectorHail has been modkilled. They were…


Time is Money (Passive) - Any of your abilities that are prevented will instead be delayed by one day/night.
Rocket Jump (Day) - Avoid all day abilities that would have affected you today. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Tripwire (Night) - Set a snare at a player’s house. You will be told who visited them. - Infinite uses
Camp (Night) - Camp out beside another player’s house. You will see all effects that happened to them last night. This includes day abilities that effect the night. - 3 uses

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The night has ended early!

Nobody died. The first time there hasn’t been blood on my carpets. Lovely.


Day 5 starts and will end 2019-11-12T23:40:00Z

Fantastic. No blood.

@Magnus You are here so, what did you do last night?

Accused Voters Votes
Abstaining Magnus, H_Hja, WazzaAzza, Vulgard, SirDerpsAlot 5/5

Majority is 3.

Blink to Shuri
No idea what else to do.

Yeah I have no idea what that means lol.

Basically I visit shuri, getting the same effects he gets.

Haha nerds what a great game design to let scum talk 2 days after death.

Either way, Sirderpsalot is my scum partner.

Wait what?

It’s not even been 2 days.

townslip denied.

You died D4.

It’s D5, you can’t talk until D6.


Yeah magnus. It’s good that Director was a modkilled wargon. I think we can get an easy myslynch on derps here. After that, you can use your blood elf abilities to kill some random.

It’s not good that you are the only scum left. At least they think soulshade was town. that is very good.

oh shit im sorry magnus.

i don’t think you were going to win anyways, but i do apologize