[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

I have an excuse, though.

And that excuse is?

Hi Maggie

Im ready to b the next hypo poster

And yes, Vulscum is Vulscum.

Imma now go to more important stuff so b back in 5 hours :slight_smile:
Hopefully 5. Theres lotsa things to do with Reaper.

No matter what I say, you’ll always call me that, won’t you?

Maggie is bad Magnus
Magnus is good Magnus.

How have I been bad?

You joined the mafia


At the start of this game

This is a reaction test.


Give me a reason why you’re not a member of the mafia

  1. Because my card says alliance

So if you’re not a member of the mafia, who is?

Perhaps you are

Do you have any reasons?

No, but it is the first day

So you’re accusing me of being mafia without any reasons?

My first reaction of PKR is.

Aww fuck its mechanical PKR again.
Watch, he’s gonna claim confirmable. :upside_down_face:

Did I say you were 110% lockscum?