[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Blizer time.

He is RVSing a lot before starting to actually play the game. Then he essentially shadethrows Shurian (and me, very slightly). Not a great start. This is pretty shallow.

Unexplained read change. I understand situations when you can’t explain your reads very well, but this feels like a low-effort read more like an inexplicable read. Maybe reading Shurian town benefits him? I don’t know. I don’t think it’s worth thinking about it unless Blizer is scum and flips scum. But it still feels like a low-effort re-evaluation, and a very quick one to boot.

Half of his ISO (the second half) is like this. This is basically NAI.

I actually really like the fact he caught that between Frost/PKR.

It’s a pretty good catch. A ‘good catch’ isn’t equal to “this person is 100% town” but I liked that.

Overall Blizer’s ISO has… not been very informative. If there is anyone here who is mostly blending in and pretending to solve the game, I would point at Blizer. But based on his posts until now, I can’t really condemn him with total confidence.

Scumlean. Flippable.

You accusing me of forcing my reads has nothing to do with it. I know it’s not true. The accusation itself is NAI. I can understand why somebody would think that, given the mindset I was in yesterday.

I just get bad vibes in general. The post about me forcing my reads was actually less scummy to me.

Now Luxy’s townlean actually baffles me. What is towny about this ISO? Every single post is NAI. Asking people to post is NAI. Unless it’s AI for Isaac, in which case I apologize. But… yeah, his ISO can come from either alignment and I’m unable to decide which one.
Gun-to-head, I would say town, but this slot is essentially a coinflip to me right now.


Before people accuse me of not being genuine, I singled out the posts that seemed a little more relevant to me, because the others are not any better and are probably worse.

Okay guys I shall go cry in corner now

This slot will be solved by association I think, and he has hardly any associations as of right now, so I can’t properly scumread him yet + my gut is weird sometimes.

Let’s say
He’s in the blacklist for a reason.
Not sure if the reason stands now, but when he does improve he will be read accordingly to a lvl 1 player.

Very nice hedge Vulgard. More seriously that was the vibes I got from that useless interaction, do you disagree with the thought or are you just using my contribution as an excuse to scumread someone?

Its not like I said it was a hard read, its not like I said its was TvS and therefore set up two chain mislynches on two town if I was scum.

It was literally the first content post of the game and given you yourself said thread is stale this os something you should like no?

You misquoted me. I was telling director to make a vote/do something given I scumread him at the time.

I was building on marshal’s posts. Do you disagree that Shurian had a narrow mindset given you were the only one he talked about?

Again, Shurian misinterpretted what slank cover was and her theory didnt make sense from my perspective. I was asking her about you to see if she continued the narrow mindset or if she reeval’d.

There was literally nothing to engage with, despite my efforts to create anything so I was getting frustrated. Is there anything else you would’ve done?

So you complain about no content/stagnant thread and then scumread me for trying to make stuff happen.

Do they?

You really should quote my whole post where I said your reads felt like scum forcing the ‘x is town, y is scum’ posts like I did last year.

You literally restated thread concensus in an attempt to appear towny instead of actually building on anything or adding anything to the conversation. You co-opted my point on the thread state.

Thats an awfully quick and strong conclusion given you said you liked my read on you.

Oh shit

Good morning y’all, with a grand total of 4 hours sleep within 48 hours I’m back and ready to read up on stuff :expressionless:

If anyone has tips for actually being able to sleep which they want to send while I try to function today on my least favourite day of the year, that’d be great.

When did i ever townlean Isaac?

I honestly feel like these come from town. I understand scumreading Director for these posts, but these posts read to me as someone trying to get into the match, into the proper vibe. He does seem overly concerned about his self-image, but I don’t think he is concerned in a scummy way.

He has low self-esteem. :c
And I think he is genuinely trying to help here. These posts read as pure to me, even though the tone is a little weird. I’m not above flipping on this read, but in general… I just get town vibes here.


I don’t know what an iOS is either
Yeah, this comes across as pretty pure. Overexplaining one’s actions is something scum actually doesn’t do in this situation, in my opinion. He is not a strong scumread, the thread is not attempting to lynch him. This reads to me less as ‘I need to defend myself’ and more like ‘I need to make sure I’m not mislynched.’ The difference lies in tone and the way he writes these posts. He gets overexplainy (or she, sorry for assuming), and he says a few things that are town indicative. “We’re not random lynching, we’re random voting, so I figured ‘what’s the point in voting at all if it doesn’t mean anything in the end.’” This feels town-motivated. I can’t explain this very well, but I can hardly see scum writing that, especially newbscum (which is what I’m assuming Director to be, given that he used the ‘LHF’ moniker to talk about himself before).

In general I think Director is just town. I feel like his posts would be hard to come up with as scum. His focus is on things nobody has been thinking about, and while he is pretty defensive, I don’t think he’s ‘scummily defensive.’

PKR staph you’re triggering all my flags

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I agree with this

Sorry :frowning: I just feel like shit but know I need to contribute so I’m being honest so people don’t expect me to be amazing while I’m in this state.



Shout this out 5 times and you’ll be fine

Considering options =/= hedge.
This is the very beginning of my ISO and you are already accusing me of hedging. If you are town this game, lean back and stop jumping on everything. How does this accusation hold any water? It’s the beginning of an ISO. I’m allowed, and even expected, to be pinged both ways at the start.

I don’t like the way you’re treating my ISO. ‘Vulgard should like my post, why does he not like my post.’ If you’re town, I can misread you, I’m not a god. I’m not even voting you, why do you care? Unless you think it helps solve my alignment in some way.

No, I quoted the fact you mentioned ‘RVS’ after writing something that was not RVS. It was clearly not RVS for you before, that’s why I saw this as pretty scummy.

Me disagreeing or agreeing with it has nothing to do with the read. Shurian can and should branch out if he’s town. He was tunneling me a little, but I expected him to get out of it if he’s town.
It’s not the strongest argument, of course, that’s why I didn’t say “oooOooOOOoOOOO bad accusation Luxy is scum because of that Shurian read.”

That’s also what I think you were doing if you’re town. That part can be interpreted both ways I feel. I just think the questions were not great but they weren’t completely terrible either.

I actually agree with that, I should’ve said scumlean.


U know
My wavelength is usually on the same frequency as Vulgard.

I think Imma just drag him into the null box first.

A lot of other people don’t actually have a lot to read, unfortunately.
I don’t want to ISO Shurian because I feel like I need more time to reach a decent conclusion on him that’s not ‘ooohhh it could go either way.’