[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

This is way too self-aware you know your meta is to not try so hard as town and you’re trying to imitate that now as scum

/vote Derps


Forced read hue hue hue
/vote Derps

Wait I have the perfect gif. I indeed want more from you now~


Since people are questioning my shift on my shuri read, i will explain it

Tone here is overall bad, and while yes, you can say d1 MEMEZ, its still not the best.

But, when Shuri comes back.

The tone is more Towny, and her behavior and mindset is shown, and i really dont see scum Shuri to make these types of posts, and if you compare her behavior in marson to these posts, you can tell there is a big difference to her town and scum self

Stop voting me, nerds


this is just bad.

Give us a good reason to stop Voting you.

No I don’t feel like it

Then you shall perish.

/vote Derps

for now

Derps, you better come up with something, or you will eat rope.

I’m pretty sure theirs at least one scum currently voting me, that picked up oddly

Frost’s posts are all bad’
Provided zero explanation
votes Frostwolf103


Is he scum with Blizer?

Who of the ones Voting you do you think is most likely to be?

I would consider that if you were at l-2 in like the next hour or so

but there is only 3 votes on you

So, bad.

I got like 4 votes in a matter of 5 min

Why did you discouraging Vulgard from readin me further?

Legit question, I can’t lie about that.

Wait, are you saying im scum with Vul?

if thats the case, i wanna hear your reasoning on this.

One person voted me for inactivity/memes I made a meme vote, and got three more votes. I dont think this push is anywhere near pure

You didn’t bother readin me and leave it there, whether Vulgard jumps on me whom he had no interest in me until I post recently again.