[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

I’m not going to defend Derps’ play here at all. He can either fess up and start playing to his wincon if he’s town or not do anything if he’s scum. Coasting and not doing anything is a viable strategy as scum, as much as I dislike it.

Well, oof.

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Marshal, what’s your favorite color?

green with purple swirls


Royal Blue is best

Over 400 new posts. This game is speeding up a little, that’s good.

Anything in particular I should focus on while catching up?

Blizer derps intercactions.

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So we know where you’re at and can use this also to read you, your thought process and motivation.

I wasn’t asking you guys to defend my actions just pointing out that’s what I tend to do, it’s NAI because I do it as scum as well

I don’t know you, same as I don’t know any other Players here and I do simply not care for meta. So if you say you do this regardless of alignment and you don’t show me that you are pro-alliance, then there’s no reason NOT to vote and execute you.

I wait and see, at least I am glad you’re not one of these meta-read puppets.

Meta is silly because people, if they are skilled enough, are able to change their meta anyway.

Either way, Frostwolf: I want your top horde read and your top alliance read. With reason. I want to understand your thoughts so give me something to work with.

It’s not a town or scum meta thing, it’s just something I do

Blizer is encouraging people to post more, and his reads are on the same page as mine.
He’s a townlean for me.

Derps hasn’t done anything townie yet, hopefully he will later.
Scumleaning him until he actually does something.

I’m sorry if you were expecting a wallpost, I’m just really not in the mood for one right now.

I don’t like doing town things untill at least D2

Yeah, I know that, but you should, especially in a game with a D1 lynch.

Just because you haven’t done that in the past doesn’t mean you should be using it as an excuse to not do so this game (and future games).

Yeah but like I’m in a lot of games

Then I’d suggest joining less games in the future.

Thanks for the tips