[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

btw ur pfp is hawt

You know it

Oh, youā€™re approaching me?

I just want to know the L-


Reee /vote Derps

Okay, I probably shouldnā€™t have made a statement I couldnā€™t keep. I wanted to be stress-free for a few hours and then I worked on a small project for a community and then my brain did a massive ā€œfuck youā€ and said that I should save the reading for tomorrow.

Gosh darn insomnia, I swear to god

Fight it.
Go to sleep at 6pm until 3 the next day.

I died while I sleep

Yeah that is what I am saying to Blizer as well.

In your associations you made if vulgard flips horde, Soulshade should be one as well?

@Geyde Can you elaborate on your read on me? I think I know where itā€™s coming from but I want to know how you reached that conclusion.

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Especially I have gut feeling Vulgard is trying to defend Blizer from shading me for not posting content, AFTER I am typing some posts again

My snarky reaction is overlooked

Blizer attempts to lolreactiontest through flavour talk, why :unamused:

Good night!

SirDerpsAlot's ISO


Refuses to play.

Does something anti-town (that doesnā€™t include fluffposting and lurking), then says it was a meme.

Great defense, Derps.

Then donā€™t accuse people of being scum for voting you.

Thatā€™s not a defense, Derps.

You were going to try giving reads? THEN. DO. SO.

Shading Luxy and Blizer and discrediting his entire wagon.

Okay, so you townread Shurian and Pilica, this is interesting for later in your ISO.

Having a good reason for doing something is not a dumb defense.

Using Self-meta as an excuse to not do anything.

That doesnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t this time.

Just try, please.

Earlier you were townreading Pilica and Shurian, why did you put them in scumreads instead of townreads?

Why did you go out of your way to make your readlist as anti-town as possible, instead of just not giving one?

More fluff, great.

@SirDerpsAlot do something, or you wonā€™t even make it to d2.

@Frostwolf103 you too.


Could you elaborate on these?

I donā€™t want this game to die.

Iā€™ll check if there are others I should ping tomorrow, nobody else seems to be motivated to play anymore, and itā€™s making me less motivated by proxy.

Iā€™m not really motivated to play tbh since Iā€™ve got irl stuff and online stuff to focus on. Maybe I shouldnā€™t sign up for so many games at once :confused:

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Honestly I forgot about this game xd

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard Blizer, Geyde 2/9
DirectorHail Jgoesgaming 1/9
Marshal DirectorHail 1/9
Frostwolf103 Vulgard 1/9
Blizer SirDerpsAlot 1/9
PokemonKidRyan Marshal 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Pilica, Luxy 2/9

I thought I was voting blizer.

Either way /vote blizer

Oh, my vote is still on Director.



then and

/Vote SirDerpsAlot

for pressure.