[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Can fuck off with this fake townslip stuff jesus christ. Soul. It isn’t going to work or convince anyone

Interesting how you don’t do it yourself, after accusing me of not having a case on you, but you don’t try and make a case on myself

How is it a fake town slip you’re pissing me off because your making weak arguements trying to pin me as “faking a town slip” how the fuck are you going to fake a town slip by making a reads list on confirmed town what is your point?

I’m so fucking done

My case on you is pretty obvious with your stupid reasoning and sheeping that’s pretty much it

My reasoning is rock-solid

Yeah clearly “rock-solid”

You are caught scum you may openwolf now

yeah because your “rock-solid” reasoning sure did defeat me!

Like how you have no arguement because me making a fake reads list and trying to explain how it’s null is me trying to fake a town slip when at best all it can do is prove it’s more of me being dumb then me being scum, but of course you can’t understand that.

Soul I’ve already said it. Stop. Trying. To. Fake. A. Townslip.

I mean the biggest indicator of you being scum is the fact your ISO is contentless, but this is just the icing on the cake.

How the fuck am I faking a town slip you are pissing me off, I’m trying to explain how it wasn’t really TOWN OR SCUM motivated are can you please shut up and stop repeating yourself.

Uh yeah that doesn’t mean I’m scum or not just means I’m less motivated If you bothered to look at my past games I try as scum sometimes harder then town so like wtf is your point, content doesn’t mean shit for a lot of people

Yes it fucking does are you high?

I like how I have to make the content arguement every single fucking game maybe you’ll someday learn


Maybe you’ll someday play the game properly

I see no world where you’re town here

Your obviously high

because you don’t understand people obiously try as scum and town, unless you really hate playing one faction over the other.

If your ISO is nothing but fluff and meaningless posts it indicates that you don’t have any idea what to post because you’re a wolf.

Why do I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall here

Anyways this is meaningless I can’t convince you that you’re scum (because you won’t admit it) and there’s no one else here to convince so peace

Dude fuck off honestly. No one’s tried this game, I tried making Isos reads on Vulguard I’ve been busy with shit I’ve been trying to improve if you have been in any of my previous games I’ve tried hard, yes maybe I should have been more active this game, doesn’t give you the fucking right to tell me I can’t play properly.

You’re the brick wall who doesn’t understand that scum don’t always just “fluff” and make meaningfull posts to create there own pushes.