[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

I need to sleep so night honey :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yeah Iā€™m top shit of course I am Iā€™m the best player in the world!

and you suck so bad!

You donā€™t understand that itā€™s day 1, not everyone is smart like you, maybe you like talking down to people like me because you enjoy it or find it fun but itā€™s not a very nice thing to do you should be more welcoming and set a example especially as a moderator.

Never once said I was a good or amazing player, why Iā€™m trying to Improve but yes I have been inactive currently this game Iā€™ll give you that, yes I havenā€™t played the best in the past, but at least in my recent games I can say I didnā€™t totally suck like I used to Iā€™ve tried hard to change but there will always be people like you who will try to push me down UwU.

Iā€™m just saying practice what you preach if you want to create a push maybe you should make your own damn reads on me and content.

I literally just did.

Iā€™ll admit that was rude, but if you canā€™t take it, donā€™t put it out.

Day 1 reads are usually the best, this is no excuse.

I mean it being Halloween me going through some personal shit Irl ect.

But I understand that you donā€™t realise thereā€™s 16 different people, Sometimes Iā€™m not going to have days or weeks where I can be fully active.

Why does it matter if there is 16 other people? Youā€™re the one I think is scum at this time

Iā€™m saying thereā€™s 16 people in game some people are going to sometimes go through things or not be active.

maybe you just donā€™t understand that

Our rules for forum games state that if you canā€™t play the game, donā€™t sign up for it.

I shouldnā€™t be expected to not push someone because they ā€˜may being going through something.ā€™

Going to bed anyway Iā€™ve said this like 4 times now but I donā€™t really want to deal with this crap just after stuff has happened to me Irl.

and No I donā€™t know when unexpected things happen to me so I Canā€™t always be Sure when to sign up can I?

We make allowances for unexpected things.

But going through something irl doesnā€™t make you unpushable.

uh when did I say it didnā€™t Iā€™m just saying that Iā€™m trying to get better while you assume Iā€™m just a lazy twat who signs up to things.

I never said that

Anyways you should sleep this argument is useless.

uh yeah

Maybe someday I will but stop trying to assume that Iā€™m not trying at least.

You took that out of context. I said that in response to you saying you have to argue against making content every game.

Also donā€™t know if this is just me being tired but Iā€™m sorry if I got insulting at times I just dislike the way you have been saying things, maybe I shouldnā€™t of reacted the why I did.

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I didnā€™t say you werenā€™t trying, I said you werenā€™t making content and therefore, not playing the game properly.

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Same, I had a big night last night and was not motivated to play this at all. Iā€™ll apologise for anything I said.


I thought thunderdome meant a 1v1 scenario.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard Blizer 1/9
Luxy Soulshade55r 1/9
Marshal DirectorHail 1/9
Soulshade55r Geyde, Luxy 2/9
Frostwolf103 Vulgard, Marshal 2/9
Blizer SirDerpsAlot, Frostwolf103 2/9
SirDerpsAlot Pilica, Jgoesgaming 2/9