[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Yes. Isaac is scum.

Again, I outed one thing. No one but Isaac visited Geyde. I wouldn’t have any way to know that.

And urgh if I’ve been up earlier at 2 in the morning I wouldn’t have to deal with this mess >_>

Not reading into your fluffposts.

But a few things.

“why would scum ever do this, thats a dumb thing for scum to do” is an awful argument. Scum do dumb shit all the time, and honestly i don’t see how it would be weird for scum to make the claim that you did. that type of claim is risky if you can’t use those abilities, but everything you said could be said by literally anyone.

It’s not like isaac said exactly who he visited :unamused:

The whole reason why I tracked Geyde + Luxy is that I was 100% sure they’ll be killed tonight.

I’ll also want to go back to the first lynch if possible, when I wasn’t on the forums at the point in time.

He did, but unless someone comes and claims they visited Geyde, that’ll make my whole point moot of course.

Someone else(

so you admit someone else could out that they visited geyde?

If they could.
But no one did.

Can someone post Isaac’s and Shurian’s result claims in one post? I know Shurian claimed after Isaac, but I want to compare them

Welcome to my open minded town list for your lack of TMI on whoever the superpower is.

Because Isaac is 100% confirmed scum.

But I’ll give a readlist. I’ll be done in a jiffy.

Isaac: Gnome warrior with arms(redirection)

he claimed he discovered both luxy and geyde’s specailization(also outed info, but wasn’t presented in a scummy way)

Shurian: Gnome Hunter who blocked vul’s day abils d1 and then watched luxy and geyde and saw hail and isaac visit luxy(outed info) and isaac visit geyde(also outed info).

and shurians info is presented in a very fake-townslip-esque way.

This should be pure antispew

Marshal. Did you go through Isaac’s info?

And how does is the townslips made make you think they’re fake?


I dont even know what townslips he’s talking about tbh.

I remember seeing posts quoted, but it was really me fluffing.

Well you immediately go in and hardpush isaac and ignore hail, presumably for visitng two people.
However, your claimed class should be able to visit two people, so that’s not out worthy.

However, both isaac and hail visiting luxy was obvious outable info, howeverm you just go full on isaac and not on hail even though you claim not to have read the thread

Ignoring Hail.

I ignored Hail assuming this.

If a player uses 2 night actions on the same person, they should appear twice in my results.