[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

geyde claimed worgen

we choose wich 1 of you uses that thing on geyde

And plus, assuming Pilicaā€™s statements of being bled are true.

It is not shown until the start of night.
Donā€™t think thatā€™s halfway confirmable.

then depending if it works we know if that ability was used

Butā€¦ it does confirm Geydeā€™s slot.

But in hindsight, he could flip as a Horde class if Iā€™m not wrong about the Worgen class?

Iā€™m sure Geyde doesnā€™t have his Worgen abilities rn. Unfortunately.

3 situations

he is alliance and we get accurate result to get right lynch

he is horde and makes false results for SP this way we know that he is scum with SP we lynch next day

he is horde and gives accurate results and we get accurate lynch

doesnt confirm geyde slot but gives us either accurate lynch or 2 scum

I meant as alliance in case

I think I can see the thinking youā€™re onā€¦

You must also know that letting SP live, through your method, will result in up to 4 town dead.

Mislynched Me (In the case of getting cover.)
SP will knight kill, redirect Pilica to a TR, where Pilica dies from unhealable bleed, and god knows who else is bleeding out there tonight.

We have a total of 16 people. 2 are dead. That leaves 14. Soā€¦

We lynch correctly. Because Geyde is good. Or covering self.

12/16. 2/3 Scum. (Including a NK and a Kill from Pilica)

We lynch incorrectly.

10/16. 4 Scum. (Including a NK. Pilica is redirected into TR. Not likely to hit town.)

I cannot play the latter game. I rather run with 12/16 with 3 Scum alive than potentially going with 10 ppl with 4 scum alive but 2 known. (Well, Iā€™m dead by this stage, but thatā€™s beyond the point)

I see it, but I donā€™t think we can afford your option even if it reveals Geyde+Isaac as scum. I can see into the future and I see people being bad enough to go onto Hail by following this thunderdome, with Geyde leading the movement if I ever get bullshitted out and putting Hail on a stake.

1 kill 1 bleed where does 2 other kill come from?

oh you mean next day

I mean like, if you didnā€™t read the previous messages, you would be hesitant.

Thus, you would want a reassurance and a mechanical confirmation.

Well, here, Iā€™m more than confirmed, and that when Magnus confirms his visit to Geyde, Me and Hail will be proven.

Here are the results of my question. I asked: If a person uses different night abilities, Kill/Follow/Whatever, if they were to target the same person with different abilities, they will appear to have visited the amount of number of abilities used on the personā€¦ So if using 2 abilities on one person, they will visit twice.

I therefore can guarantee, Hail is not any superpower. It does not make sense for him to out the info with a superpower as groupscum either.

2 kills, Pilica is going to kill and cleanflip someone. Standard NK by Superpower/Faction Kill (I dunno about this one, says alternate day or somethin)

1 Bleed.
1 Lynch (Me/Isaac)

didnt you say only isaac visited geyde

Yeah I did. But Moderror.
Magnus also visited Geyde.

is pilica outed scum or something

No Pilica got bled and then no one can heal him so heā€™s gonna die

So he wants smash somebody before he dies

but that makes no sense

Geyde made him unhealable lel
