[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

The night has ended as a result of the timer ending.

Processing actions now.

Oh my. It’s an absolute massacre. Can’t you people at least clean up after yourselves?

Soulshade55r has died. Their body was beyond recognition.

Pilica has died. They were…


Expansive Mind (Passive) - You may use your night ability twice. Does not affect night abilities that kill.
Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day ability to be ineffective. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Stealth (Night) - Sneak around a player’s house, learning how many abilities they have used in total. - Infinite uses
Mutilate (Night) - Kill a player. Their flip will not be revealed. - 1 use

Simon has died last night. They were…

Blood Elf

Arcane Affinity (Passive) - Your abilities will always bypass positive effects on the target.
Arcane Torrent (Day) - Prevent any positive effects from affecting the target player. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Stealth (Night) - Sneak around a player’s house, learning how many abilities they have used in total. - Infinite uses
Blind (Night) - Cause a player to visit themselves. - 2 uses

Day three starts and will end 2019-11-08T18:30:00Z. Majority is 6.

Apparently Shurian had the same idea as me.

Hey guys.

I won’t be able to be very active for like 6-7 hours, but I’ve re-evaluated gamestate and want to take a look sat soulshade

How did Simon die?
Wasn’t something said about poison or bleeding?

Either Simon’s flip is real and Pillica was killed by a different Horde member (and somehow Simon died)
Or Simon was something else and flip was somehow falsified.

Occam’s razor suggests he was Worgen, like he claimed to be, and died of guilt.

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What’s your opinion on Soulshade right now?

Wait who did scum attack then

Scum might not have any attackers left.

Ye this is very useful and pro town

I used blazing barrier on pilica what the heck

Oof, now my reactiontest for Marshal is ruined.

He was mauled by Geyde Simon Day 1, nobody visited him since there was no point.


Well rip me then

Geyde claimed to make him unhealable

Yes, after mauling him.

He claimed to use it d2

Yes, like I said, after mauling him, since he mauled him D1.

But then he should have showed up as burned