[SFM] - WoW: BfA v1.0 - Day 5 (5/16) - The Alliance win!

Welcome to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth!

Hosted by @KyoDaz and x.

This setup follows simple forum rules

  1. https://toli.es/rules
  2. https://forum.imperium42.com/t/official-forum-mafia-and-forum-of-lies-rules/78926/

The setup will start once 16 players have signed up. Backups, spectators and co-hosts are appreciated.


Days will be 48 hours long, or shorter if someone is lynched.
Nights will be 24 hours long or until everyone has submitted their actions.
Actions are done by messaging me.
Players receive both a class and race. The race determines their alignment.
All players on the outnumbered faction will be aware of their faction superpower’s identity and role.
You will become permanently occupy immune after 3 occupation attempts. This is not affected by or affect redirection.
You may choose one specialization once you receive your class. This cannot be changed.
All of the outnumbered faction will have a chat at all times. The faction Superpower is excluded from the chat.
The outnumbered faction automatically win once their numbers become = the majority faction.
The outnumbered faction do not have a faction kill. They however do have KPN thanks to their superpower. If the faction superpower dies the outnumbered faction will be able to kill every odd night.
Your specialization will be revealed upon flip.
Positive effects are anything that are mostly beneficial to a player such as visit prevention or healing.
Negative effects are anything that are mostly harmful to a player such as occupation or redirection.
There will be a period of silence once all of the classcards have been dealt. This is to enable players to select pre-game things such as specializations.


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
There will be a day one lynch.
Executions end the day.
Executions will be majority + plurality.

After The Night

Only investigative abilities will return feedback. It will either be a result or ‘You could not investigate your target.’

To Join

To join, please ‘/in

Role List

There is a 50/50 chance for

Role List #1

Role List #1
Alliance Superpower

Role List #2

Role List #1
Horde Superpower

Role Cards

Alliance Race Cards

Alliance Races


Resolve (Passive) - If a member of the Horde is lynched your abilities tonight do not consume a charge. This does not affect abilities with no charges. Lasts twice as long if a Horde Superpower is lynched. This does not affect Holy Word: Serenity
Diplomacy (Day) - Select a player and Horde race. You will be informed if they are that race at the start of the night. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Explorer (Passive) - You are informed upon occupation and redirection.
Stoneform (Day) - You will be death immune tonight. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Night Elf

Elune’s Grace (Passive) - Upon dying, you may use one of your night abilities the following night whilst dead.
Shadowmeld (Day) - You are immune to any effects that are triggered upon visiting tonight. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Expansive Mind (Passive) - You may use your night ability twice. Does not affect night abilities that kill.
Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day ability to be ineffective. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Heroic Presence (Passive) - Any member of the Alliance attempting to visit you will be guaranteed to succeed.
Gift of the Naaru (Day) - Heal the targeted player tonight. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Two Forms (Passive) - You are assigned a random Horde race to mimic. The abilities you can use will alternate between days. You will start as a Worgen. You will flip as whatever race you are currently on. You cannot be a race that cannot be your class.
Flay (Day) - Maul a player. They will die in two days unless healed. They will be aware. Killing a player of your own faction will cause you to commit suicide. - 1 use
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Horde Race Cards

Horde Races


Hardiness (Passive) - Positive effects used on you last for twice as long. This does not affect Holy Word: Serenity
Blood Fury (Day) - Slash at a player. They will die in two days unless healed. They will be aware. Killing a player of your own faction will cause you to commit suicide. This can only be used on odd days. - 1 use
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Undead (Passive) - You may talk to the living for two days after death.
Touch of the Grave (Day) - Establish a link between you and a dead player, allowing you to communicate for the night. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Endurance (Passive) - You are immune to the first attack made on you.
War Stomp (Day) - Occupy a target player tonight. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Regeneration (Passive) - Every even night you will self heal.
Berserk (Day) - Occupy all players targeting you tonight. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.

Blood Elf

Arcane Affinity (Passive) - Your abilities will always bypass positive effects on the target.
Arcane Torrent (Day) - Prevent any positive effects from affecting the target player. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Time is Money (Passive) - Any of your abilities that are prevented will instead be delayed by one day/night.
Rocket Jump (Day) - Avoid all day abilities that would have affected you today. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.

Class Cards



Arms, Fury or Protection

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Tactician (Night) - Redirect a player to another player. - 2 uses

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Furious Slash (Night) - Attack a target player. - 1 use

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Revenge (Night) - Discover if a selected player killed another selected player. If they did, kill them. Killing a player of your own faction will cause you to commit suicide. - 3 uses

Races that can be Warrior: All Races


Beast Mastery, Marksmanship or Survival

Beast Mastery
Tripwire (Night) - Set a snare at a player’s house. You will be told who visited them. - Infinite uses
Befriend (Night) - Tame a beast. You will gain a random ability from any class to use the next night. This cannot be an ability from a faction superpower. After that, the ability will revert back to Befriend. - 2 uses

Tripwire (Night) - Set a snare at a player’s house. You will be told who visited them. - Infinite uses
Mark (Night) - Mark a player. You will be informed of who they visit. - 3 uses

Tripwire (Night) - Set a snare at a player’s house. You will be told who visited them. - Infinite uses
Camp (Night) - Camp out beside another player’s house. You will see all effects that happened to them last night. This includes day abilities that effect the night. - 3 uses

Races that can be Hunter: All Races


Assassination, Outlaw or Subtlety

Stealth (Night) - Sneak around a player’s house, learning how many abilities they have used in total. - Infinite uses
Mutilate (Night) - Kill a player. Their flip will not be revealed. - 1 use

Stealth (Night) - Sneak around a player’s house, learning how many abilities they have used in total. - Infinite uses
Bribe (Night) - Bribe a player, redirecting all players visiting you to them. - 3 uses

Stealth (Night) - Sneak around a player’s house, learning how many abilities they have used in total. - Infinite uses
Blind (Night) - Cause a player to visit themselves. - 2 uses

Races that can be Rogue: Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Worgen, Blood Elf, Goblin, Orc, Troll, Undead


Discipline, Holy or Shadow

Shadow Mend (Night) - Heal a player, treating any wounds and preventing their death. They will die in two nights unless prevented. This ability cannot prevent deaths caused by Shadow Mend. - Infinite uses
Power Word: Shield (Night) - Prevent a player from dying in the night. Lasts until changed. Disabled once two deaths are prevented by this ability. This can prevent deaths from Shadow Mend. - Infinite uses

Heal (Night) - Heal a player, treating any wounds and preventing their death. - Infinite uses
Holy Word: Serenity (Night) - Prevent a player from being lynched tomorrow. This will be announced at daystart. - 1 use

Shadow Mend (Night) - Heal a player, treating any wounds and preventing their death. They will die in two nights unless prevented. This ability cannot prevent deaths caused by Shadow Mend. - Infinite uses
Shadow Word: Pain (Night) - Cause a player’s negative effects inflicted tonight to inflict the following night as well. - 3 uses

Races that can be Priest: Draenei, Drawf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Worgen, Blood Elf, Goblin, Tauren, Troll, Undead

Death Knight

Blood, Frost or Unholy

Gorefiend’s Grasp (Night) - Redirect all players targeting your target to you. - Infinite uses
Vampiric Blood (Night) - Drain a player’s blood, healing you. If you use this a second time on the same player they will die however you will not be healed. - 3 uses

Gorefiend’s Grasp (Night) - Redirect all players targeting your target to you. - Infinite uses
Rime (Night) - Ensure that if a player is to die tonight then it cannot be protected. - 3 uses

Gorefiend’s Grasp (Night) - Redirect all players targeting your target to you. - Infinite uses
Raise Dead (Night) - Puppet a dead player, using a selected night ability on another player. This cannot be used on a Superpower. - 2 uses

Races that can be Death Knight: All Races


Arcane, Fire or Frost

Blink (Night) - Blink towards a target, occupying visitors to yourself and receiving all the effects they receive. - Infinite uses
Prismatic Barrier (Night) - Prevent all abilities from being used on your target. Does not prevent kills. - 3 uses

Blink (Night) - Blink towards a target, occupying visitors to yourself and receiving all the effects they receive. - Infinite uses
Blazing Barrier (Night) - Cast a blazing barrier on the target, publically revealing all players who visited them during the day. - 2 uses

Blink (Night) - Blink towards a target, occupying visits to yourself and receiving all the effects they receive. - Infinite uses
Ice Barrier (Night) - Delay all visits to the target player by one night. - 3 uses

Races that can be Mage: Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Worgen, Blood Elf, Goblin, Orc, Troll, Undead


Affliction, Demonology or Destruction

Create Soulwell (Night) - Target a player. All players visiting that player will be healed - Infinite uses
Agony (Night) - Slowly cause a player to decay, killing them if they are healed tonight. Bypasses healing. - 3 uses

Create Soulwell (Night) - Target a player. All players visiting that player will be healed - Infinite uses
Denomic Gateway (Night) - Select two targets, redirecting everyone visiting A to B and B to A. - 2 uses

Create Soulwell (Night) - Target a player. All players visiting that player will be healed - Infinite uses
Incinerate (Night) - Kill a player. Their flip will not be revealed. - 1 use

Races that can be Warlock: Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Worgen, Blood Elf, Goblin, Orc, Troll, Undead


Balance, Feral, Guardian or Restoration

Shapeshift (Night) - Change specialization. - Infinite uses
Innervate (Night) - Cause a player being healed or healing to guarantee their healing. - 2 uses

Shapeshift (Night) - Change specialization. - Infinite uses
Maul (Night) - Maul a player, killing them. - 2 uses

Shapeshift (Night) - Change specialization. - Infinite uses
Iron Fur (Night) Become death immune tonight. - 2 uses

Shapeshift (Night) - Change specialization. - Infinite uses
Heal (Night) - Heal a player, treating any wounds and preventing their death. - 2 uses

Races that can be Druid: Night Elf, Worgen, Tauren, Troll

Alliance Superpowers

Superpower Races & Class

Jaina Proudmoore

Human Mage
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Human Mage (Passive) You have all abilities of a Mage and all the passives of a Human.
Influential Diplomacy (Day) - Learn if a player is a member of the Horde. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Magni Bronzebeard

Dwarf Warrior
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Dwarf Warrior (Passive) You have all abilities of a Warrior and all the passives of a Dwarf.
Regenerative Stoneform (Day) - You will be death immune and heal yourself tonight. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Malfurion Stormrage

Night Elf Druid
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Night Elf Druid (Passive) You have all abilities of a Druid and all the passives of a Night Elf.
Silent Shadowmeld (Day) - Your visit is astral and behaves as if you never visited the target. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Sicco Thermaplugg

Gnome Hunter
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Gnome Hunter (Passive) You have all abilities of a Hunter and all the passives of a Gnome.
Swift Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day and night ability to be ineffective. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Prophet Velen

Draenei Priest
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Draenei Priest (Passive) You have all abilities of a Priest and all the passives of a Draenei.
Blessed Gift of the Naaru (Day) - Target player cannot die by any means tonight. This is not considered healing or death immunity. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Genn Greymane

Worgen Rogue
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Worgen Rogue (Passive) You have all abilities of a Rogue and all the passives of a Worgen.
Precise Flay (Day) - Maul a player. They will die in two nights unless healed. They will be aware. You will not commit suicide upon killing a member of your faction. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Horde Superpowers

Superpower Races & Class


Orc Warrior
For the Horde! (Passive) - All Horde players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Orc Warrior (Passive) You have all abilities of a Warrior and all the passives of a Orc.
Precise Blood Fury (Day) - Slash at a player. They will die in two nights unless healed. They will be aware. You will not commit suicide upon killing a member of your faction. - Infinite uses
Horde Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Sylvanas Windrunner

Undead Hunter
For the Horde! (Passive) - All Horde players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Undead Hunter (Passive) You have all abilities of a Hunter and all the passives of an Undead.
Banshee’s Touch of the Dead (Day) - Establish a link between you and a dead player, allowing you to communicate for the day and night. - Infinite uses
Horde Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.

Baine Bloodhoof

Tauren Warrior
For the Horde! (Passive) - All Horde players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Tauren Warrior (Passive) You have all abilities of a Warrior and all the passives of an Tauren.
Thundering War Stomp (Day) - Occupy target player and all players targeting that player. You can visit them. - Infinite uses
Horde Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Troll Warlock
For the Horde! (Passive) - All Horde players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Troll Warlock (Passive) You have all abilities of a Warlock and all the passives of an Troll.
Regenerative Berserk (Day) - Occupy all players targetting you tonight. If you successfully occupy someone with this ability you will heal yourself. - Infinite uses
Horde Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.

Kael’thas Sunstrider

Blood Elf Mage
For the Horde! (Passive) - All Horde players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Blood Elf Mage (Passive) You have all abilities of a Mage and all the passives of a Blood Elf.
Infused Arcane Torrent (Day) - Prevent any positive effects from affecting the target player tonight and anyone who visits them. - Infinite uses
Horde Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Goblin ?
For the Money! (Passive) - All Horde players within the game will know your identity and class. You may decide on a class to buy in the pre-game phase to adopt.
You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
E̶x̶p̶e̶r̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶d Goblin ? (Passive) You have all abilities of a ? and all the passives of a Goblin.
Luxury Rocket Jump (Day) - Select a player. You and them will avoid all day abilities that would have affected either of you today. - Infinite uses
Horde Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


  1. Luxy
  2. Soulshade55r
  3. Jgoesgaming
  4. Magnus
  5. PokemonKidRyan
  6. Blizer → H_Hja
  7. PoisonedSquid
  8. Marshal
  9. Vulgard
  10. Isaac_Gonzalez
  11. Frostwolf103
  12. Pilica
  13. WazzaAzzaShurian → WazzaAzza
  14. SirDerpsAlot
  15. DirectorHail
  16. Geyde → Simon


  1. Simon
  2. H_Hja


  1. Icibalus
  2. Astand
  3. DatBird

Timestamps / Moments of Significance

End of Day 1 / Start of Night 1
End of Night 1 / Start of Day 2
End of Day 2 / Start of Night 2
End of Night 2 / Start of Day 3
End of Day 3 / Start of Night 3
End of Night 3 / Start of Day 4

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You should link the forum mafia rules thread in your OP.



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Yeah, totally a great idea to do this when I’m in two ongoing games.

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Why does this happen

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Why does what happen?

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Cant hurt that much right


What night abilities?

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I think like
A guy rolling the class will have their class in addition to their normal class

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I’m here, I can explain things

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All night abilities avaliable to them via class.

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This ^


Example Classcard

You are…


Expansive Mind (Passive) - You may use your night ability twice. Does not affect night abilities that kill.
Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day ability to be ineffective. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Arms, Fury or Protection

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Tactician (Night) - Redirect a player to another player. - 2 uses

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Furious Slash (Night) - Attack a target player. - 1 use

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Revenge (Night) - Discover if a selected player killed another selected player. If they did, kill them. Killing a player of your own faction will cause you to commit suicide. - 3 uses

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Ohhhh thats cool


Players then choose a specialization (due to it being warrior you choose Arms, Fury or Protection)
Let’s pretend that the player chooses Protection.
That classcard now becomes


Expansive Mind (Passive) - You may use your night ability twice. Does not affect night abilities that kill.
Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day ability to be ineffective. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Revenge (Night) - Discover if a selected player killed another selected player. If they did, kill them. Killing a player of your own faction will cause you to commit suicide. - 3 uses

Or, if you want it to be combined into a single classcard, the output would be:

Gnome Warrior

Alliance Protection
Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day ability to be ineffective. - 2 uses
Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s specialization. - Infinite uses
Revenge (Night) - Discover if a selected player killed another selected player. If they did, kill them. Killing a player of your own faction will cause you to commit suicide. - 3 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Some classes can only be certain races.


What applies to this?

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Holy Word: Serenity is an acception considering it’s blatantly OP if it has two uses.

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More than two ongoing games. reee

And I don’t mean Vulgard specifcially