SFoL 00 - Dead chat

Luxy just felt like LOTRFM vulgard.

and after vulgard did so well, why not try the scummyish powerwolf with a greencheck that isn’t actually True

People trying to read Luxy with poorly thought out ISOs yesterday only made his position stronger

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Also, poor fucking jake.

His scummeta is to try.
townmeta is to slank and AtE.

Lmao RIP

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I highly recommend not trying to read players based on other players’ performances.
In the end whatever floats your boat, but that thinking has screwed me over so much

People trying to read anyone else day 2:
Marsha/kail: Souls scum scum scum we can’t read anyone else death tunnel it

I correctly read Soul and I’m proud

I was scumreading luxy more, and for the record, would have pushed him harder if i wasn’t at l-3 and just wanted a wagon on not-me.

You also did act kinda scummy

If your calling that fake vig shot scummy then no learn to read me

I’d be more concerned about why the fuck you’d shoot someone without 24 hours passing as bd

I did also mess up with my day ability I will acknowledge that

it’s just… you didn’t know what your class was.

and got pissy with kai(a hopeless endeavor too) and your scummeta is to get argumentative.

Oh hi mark merc

But the thing is wouldn’t scum want to know there fake class well?


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wouldn’t a town know… their real class well?

It felt like you were the “kai” NK who was faking a killer and didn’t read the card fully in panic.




Well gg stupid shooters want to yolo shoot people early

I don’t think cult can kill during the day right?

I really wanted to be converted ngl

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