SFoL 00 - Dead chat

Pretty sure everyone knew you were brawler.


You exposed yourself.

Kai never knew I was Brawler.

Which really annoyed me.

I honestly think it was dumb for kyo to claimvig me, as if I were alive today, luxy would be 100% fucked.

Also, my whole point was to expose myself and try make it seem like I’m not Brawler at the same time.

oh boy oh boy

Why’d I have to go out and die?

wait how did Kyo avoid the lynch

Pure gamer power

I wasn’t reading I just assumed he was the lynch lmao

tol-r-sirderpsalot-5cf6e420e00118051c302978-9174= if you wanna join us :stuck_out_tongue:

Kyo probably dies here
It’s very likely that the convert will go off as well

6 (4v2)
6 (3v3)

They have Maj at this point unless scum is hero shot

tf is Jake doing
I love it but wtf

what is him doing

Claiming Seraph as Cult

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I would claim Seraph as bd tbh

Can I guess the charade? :’^}

Wouldn’t it be a power move for kyo to take out the whole cult and then die from lynch lmao

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That would be lul