SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

/Vote PKR

I’m on this ship.

Marl can’t be converted n1, right? Or do you suggest that?

Marl can be converted N1.

But very unlikely.

Marl, may I also point this out?
If you imprison people but speak and don’t execute, it’ll prove you eventually.
I don’t want us to waste time to execute Simon when you’ve outright admitted there’s close to 50/50 chance that he’s Scorned.
If you’re so concerned about him, then imprison him infinitely and let us investigators do our job
Me and Noz can alone carry this game.

Your solution to this all is to be very passive on Simon and waste 1 night.
Yes, I understand your PoV.
However, voting someone up for being immune really isn’t that useful.
All me and Noz need to do is to find 2 Unseen. We might as well keep him alive so that if me or Noz find that one of me or Kyo are scum, we can be voted up and Simon can have his win.
I have and always will be pro-neut. So, if you don’t mind my tactic, it’d be appreciated.

I literally could have been. If there is a court wizard with a brain (and personally, I think everyone playing Forum of Lies is intelligent.) that is the only night I could have feasibly been converted, before I outed myself.

He maybe will tonight.

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And it is where he could proven himself.

If he does, then he’s confirmed.
Marl, execute Simon tonight then and I’ll admit you’re confirmed.

Someone must protect him tonight.

lol PKR stop being so blatantly obvious in wanting a new MM. I have dejavu of literally an exact game like this when PKR was mm and I was Maid.

I’ll link the game now actually as it is mildly relevant.

If Marl executes Simon:
Confirmed Prince
Confirmed Princess
Confirmed Physician
Confirmed Drunk
Confirmed Knight
(Confirmed Hip being Scorned if Simon flips non-scorned)

He can jail PKR next.


all goes right.

It’s not a matter of wasting time. I do not want the mastermind to pass on. The only person wasting a night is me, and i’m fine with it.

So… You’re still trying to keep simon alive. Why?

And the reason I haven’t exe’d and spoken in the same night is Noz was n1 and his claim wasn’t scummy until he changed it to sheriff. Dama is clearly bd as his action was proven in court by something said previously, so I didn’t want to lose my axe killing Dama.

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@Marluxion I just said for you to execute Simon.
If that’s what others think, then go for it.
Also, if I’m Princess how tf do I become Mastermind?

Jail him :slight_smile: We win. jk

What did I say to confirm myself.

I want to know how much of a genius Iam

Princess > Duchess > Assassin> MM

But most likely…

I’m reading you as unseen right now. You’re either duchess or the assassin. So 50/50 of you becoming the mastermind, my bad.

…You really want me to out you? lol